[Om] Going real with the OpenMath CD Linked Data

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Jul 25 00:51:03 CEST 2011

Hi Paul,

07/24/2011 11:55 PM Paul Libbrecht:
> We made them work:
> 	http://jira.activemath.org/browse/CCIN-8
> but maybe it needs to be woken back up?
> I'm afraid some other priorities might byte right now.

please find attached an .htaccess file that did the trick on our server 
(including RDF).



Christoph Lange, Jacobs University Bremen
http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701

Workshop: Ontologies come of Age in the Semantic Web (OCAS)
Ontology User Experience Challenge (1st prize US$ 2000)
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Submission deadline August 15, http://ocas.mywikipaper.org
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