[Om] Tutorial or example collection for OpenMath?

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Wed Feb 26 15:36:08 CET 2014

On 26/02/2014 13:39, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> What's the status of these type signatures?  Are they part of the
> CD, and thus of the standard? I don't remember seeing any reference
> to them in the OpenMath Standard 2.0.

OpenMath allows different type systems to be applied, two example
systems were developed at the time: STS and a more formal system
based on the calculus of constructions. All three documents are
distributed together from


There are STS signatures for all the core CDs and there is a link from
each symbol in the (x)html presentation of the CD to the corresponding STS.

So the status of the STS is that they are an official part of the
OpenMath release, but you don't have to use them to use the CDs if they
are incompatible with your needs (or you just don't like them:-)


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