[Om] Symbol question: interval1:oriented_interval

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Tue Nov 6 16:12:32 CET 2018

On 05/11/2018 16:23, Deyan Ginev wrote:
> Dear OpenMath working group,
> I am uncertain if I should address this question to the OM team or the 
> w3c math list, but hopefully the member overlap makes this a non-issue.
> I am working on some infrastructure for representing integrals in strict 
> Content MathML (in the latexml software suite), and noticed a suggested 
> best practice in the official specification:
> https://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/chapter4.html#contm.domainofapplication.qualifier
> " If the head is int then oriented_interval is used. " - referring to a 
> symbol in the interval1 content dictionary.
> Strangely enough, following that link leads to a CD that contains no 
> such symbol. I am wondering whether the CD itself, or the Content MathML 
> specification examples need correction, but the discrepancy is 
> definitely confusing.
> Luckily the fully opaque "interval" symbol seems to be a good short-term 
> alternative in the meantime.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Deyan


Thanks for the report



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