[Om] CFP: 31th OpenMath Workshop at CICM 2021 (26. - 31. 2021; day tbd)

Michael Kohlhase michael.kohlhase at fau.de
Sun May 16 17:26:42 CEST 2021

31th OpenMath Workshop
July 26 - 31. 2021 (half day; date to be announced)
co-located with CICM 2021
continuous Submission; final papers due July 10.



OpenMath (http://www.openmath.org) is a language for exchangingvd
mathematical formulae across applications (such as computer algebra
systems).  From 2010 its importance has increased in that OpenMath
Content Dictionaries were adospted as a foundation of the MathML 3 W3C
recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML), the standard for
mathematical formulae on the Web.

Topics we expect to see at the workshop include

    * Feature Requests (Standard Enhancement Proposals) and Discussions
      for going beyond OpenMath 2;
    * Further convergence of OpenMath and MathML 3;
    * Reasoning with OpenMath;
    * OpenMath on the Semantic Web;
    * New OpenMath Content Dictionaries;
    * Software using or processing OpenMath;

Contributions can be either full research papers, Standard Enhancement
Proposals, or a description of new Content Dictionaries, particularly
ones that are suggested for formal adoption by the OpenMath Society.

IMPORTANT DATES (all times are "anywhere on earth")

   * Submission is continuous (early submit -> early notify)
   * July 10. 2021: Final revised papers due
   * July 26 - 31. 2021 (half day Workshop; date to be announced)


   Electronic proceedings will be published with CEUR-WS.org.

   Submission is continuous via Easychair at [1]: select the author role,
   select the "new submission" tab, and choose OpenMath.
   Submissions will be refereed by the Organizers within one week.
   Authors should prepare their papers in one column style of CEUR-WS [2]
   for the final version and without page numbers. See [3] for an example.

   [1] https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cicm2021
   [2] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/samplestyles/onecolceurws.sty
   [3] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/samplestyles/paper1.pdf

Submission categories:

    * Full paper: 5–10 pages
    * Short paper: 1–4 pages
    * CD description: 1-6 pages; a .zip or .tgz file of the
      CDs must be attached, or a link to the CD provided.
    * Standard Enhancement Proposal: 1-10 pages (as
      appropriate w.r.t. the background knowledge required); a .zip or
      .tgz file of any related implementation (e.g. a Relax NG schema)
      should be attached.


    * James Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
    * Michael Kohlhase (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

Comments/questions/enquiries: to be sent to the organizers

Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,  http://kwarc.info/kohlhase, skype: mibein42

Professur für Wissensrepräsentation & -verarbeitung
   Informatik, FAU Erlangen Nürnberg, Martensstr. 3, D-91058 Erlangen, Room 11.139,
   tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, michael.kohlhase at fau.de

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