[Om] CICM 2023 - Call for Participation

Serge Autexier serge.autexier at dfki.de
Fri Aug 4 16:30:39 CEST 2023

			Call for Participation

  16th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics - CICM 2023 -
	    5-8 September 2023 Cambridge (United Kingdom)
			    (hybrid event)



Please use the following registration page:


Accommodation in Emmanuel College is available.

Accepted papers and Provisional Programme
The list of accepted papers is online:

A provisional programme is online:

Invited speakers

* Frederic   Blanqui    (INRIA):   "Progresses   on    proof   systems
* Mateja  Jamnik   (University  of   Cambridge):  "How  can   we  make
  trustworthy AI?'',
* Lawrence C.  Paulson (University of Cambridge):  "Large-Scale Formal
  Proof  for  the Working  Mathematician  -  Lessons learnt  from  the
  Alexandria Project'',

* Martina Seidl  (Johannes Kepler University Linz):  "Never trust your
  solver: Certificates for SAT and QBF''.

About CICM

Digital and  computational solutions are becoming  the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical information.

CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such
as computation, deduction, knowledge  management, and user interfaces.
It offers  a venue for  discussing problems  and solutions in  each of
these areas and their integration.

The scope of CICM concerns all topics relating to intelligent computer
mathematics, in particular but not limited to

* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries

CICM 2023 Programme committee:
see https://cicm-conference.org/2023/cicm.php?event=&menu=pc

Workshops affiliated to CICM 2023:

* 31th OpenMath Workshop, organized by James Davenport and Michael Kohlhase,
* 3rd Workshop on Natural Formal Mathematics (NatFoM 2023) organized
  by Peter Koepke, Adrian De Lon and Dennis Mueller (also an EuroProofNet
* 14th Workshop on Mathematical User Interaction (MathUI 2023), organized
  by Abhishek Chugh and Andrea Kohlhase,
* 6th Workshop on Formal Mathematics for Mathematicians (FMM 2023),
  organized by Karol Pak.

The EuroProofNet  Workshop on Libraries  of Formal Proofs  and Natural
Mathematical Language,  organized by Angeliki Koutsoukou  Argyraki and
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen is co-located with CICM 2023.

Local information, travel and accommodation
Please see


For any queries about local issues please contact the conference chair
James Davenport <masjhd at bath.ac.uk>

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