[Om3] svn.openmath.org is now opened

James Davenport J.H.Davenport at bath.ac.uk
Sat Jul 7 17:28:55 CEST 2007

> - cd: currently the official CDs, maybe later all CDs being exchanged ?
> Maybe we need more structure here, e.g. one sub-directory per origin or
> status.
I would like to see a system of subdirectories of cd (and a corresponding
structure for sts):
official - what it says
officialdraft - I would morve CDs into this as I sent them out for
                comment, and move them from here to official,
The above two should only be writable by me and the support team
experimental - General place for experimental ones
named subdirs - for people who request sub-directories for various
                collections they are building.

The search hierarchy should be in descending order, i.e. official first.


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