[Om3] OMS and OMV contents?

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Mon Jul 16 09:25:39 CEST 2007

Le 13 juil. 07 à 19:22, James Davenport a écrit :
>> The OMATTR below is doing the exact work of the notation element  
>> here:
>> <notation>
>> <OMOBJ><OMV name="gothicA"/></OMOBJ>
>> <math><mi mathvariant="fraktur"/>A</mi></math>
>>   </notation>
>> I have added a line in the spec-sketch about it, namely, that OMVs
>> without a matching mi should be matched by name.
> I don't think so, but please send the spec-sketch.

It's a living document at:
The current state is approximately that presented in Linz' OM workshop.
Implementation is almost externally-publishable and will be hooked  
there soon.

> The object you have seems to be a MathML-object, whereas I was talking
> about OpenMath objects.

True, OMATTR are pure OpenMath... up to the attribute value.

> How would this object appear as part of OpenMath?

as above: <OMV name="gothicA"/>
And if you wish a style then it should be explicitted. I was hoping  
the negotiations with Bremen folks to actually tackle this issue but  
we have not. There should be a notion of style-class that the  
notation processor could give priority to and choose thus:
   <OMV name="A" style="gothic"/>
(or the equivalent with OMATTR still be specified) would choose the  
"fraktured" notation.

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