[Om3] Restarting the discussion!

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Tue Oct 16 22:45:10 CEST 2007

Michael Kohlhase a écrit :
> Another thing (task planning, etc.) I would like to use a bug  
> tracker to
> support our project planning. I could supply a trac instance for that
> (and Paul always has a JIRA instance). Are there any preferences?

and later...

> How to list members feel about using a wiki for this, (there is one in
> the trac system I could offer).


if you wish to open a trac fine, I've never worked with it...
The jira and svn are ready for us to use... I think svnn-ing text- 
files (or TeX or XML or Markdown...) is a good substitute for a wiki...


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