[Om3] CDSignatures/@cd, CDSignatures/@type: how to resolve?

James Davenport J.H.Davenport at bath.ac.uk
Tue May 13 08:49:18 CEST 2008

On Mon, May 12, 2008 11:41 pm, Christoph LANGE wrote:
> Dear James, dear David, dear all,
>   I just realised that one of my questions remained open.  Now that we can
> assume that there is a CDSignatures/@cdbase or otherwise the default CD
> base at openmath.org is used,
> On Friday 09 May 2008 13:28:29 Christoph LANGE wrote:
>> Does it always
>> make sense to assume the same CDBase both for resolving
>> CDSignatures/@type
>> and CDSignatures/@cd? For my own needs this questions is a hypothetical
>> one, but still, could there be a case where the type system CD is in a
>> different place?
I'm really not up to speed on this. If, as I thought, the argument of
CDSignature is an MOBJ, then it could specify its own cdbase. I think it
IS reasonable to specify that, whatever the type system is, the type
should BE an OMOBJ.

James Davenport
Hebron & Medlock Professor of Information Technology
Formerly RAE Coordinator, and still grant-writer
Still Undergraduate Director of Studies, CS Dept
Lecturer on CM30070, 30078, 50209, 50123
Chairman, Powerful Computing WP, University of Bath
OpenMath Content Dictionary Editor

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