[Om3] three avenues for the condition elements

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue Nov 4 16:22:38 CET 2008

Dear all,

now, also Paul has given his preferences. And ....

there are no time slots that all of us can make. The best slot seems to 
be Thursday 15-16 CET, unfortunately, I will very probably not be able 
to make this date. Therefore I suggest that I will try to juggle dates 
and someone else does the organization.


Michael Kohlhase wrote:
> Dear all,
> we should make progress on this, I have made a doodle for deciding on 
> a teleconference date, please give me your preferences at
> http://www.doodle.com/txbc7ez6gt5ahkzm
> The earlier in the week we talk the better.
> Michael
> Professor James Davenport wrote:
>> On Sat, October 25, 2008 5:17 am, Michael Kohlhase wrote:
>>> the MathML WG has to bring out the next working draft of the MathML3
>> recommendation and we have a code freeze on November 6. Since this is
>> the last working draft before the "last call" stage of MathML3, it would
>> be good to have resolved the question whether the <condition> element
>> belongs into strict MathML or pragmatic. Therefore I would ask you to
>> give your opinions about the resolution ASAP. I will organize a
>>> teleconfere later in the coming week or early in the week of the 6.
>> where we take a decision.
>> A good idea. I apologise for the delay in not following up on the teleon
>> of 10th - as usual I was overtaken by teaching before I had a chance to
>> finish the follow-up - I attach the current state for what it's worth.
>> [second thoughts - it wil probably fall foul of the length limit: I 
>> attach
>> the LaTeX, and the PDF (which may be further updated if I get a chance
>> today), is at http://staff.bath.ac.uk/masjhd/Conditions-JHD.pdf]
>>> Paul Libbrecht wrote:
>>>> (warning: this text contains unicode character)
>>>> #1 condition element
>>>> Basically add, in OpenMath and strict MathML, an element called
>> condition or omcond that mimics the current condition element.
>>>> #2 condition symbol
>>>> Invent a new symbol called condition which would do a very similar
>> function.
>>>> For example, if it was called c, one would write a conditional
>>>> function as
>>>>   λ.x,y: c(x ≠ y, x / (x-y) )
>> My fundamental objection to MathML's condition, which I think applies to
>> both #1 and #2, is that its presence affects the semantics of the
>> surrounding objects. Indeed, I do not even no of a formal statement 
>> about
>> how far its influence might spread: it is sufficient to inspect all the
>> direct children of X for a condition element, or must one delve deeper?
>>>> #3 conditional symbol variants
>>>> For each binder-like symbol, add a variant symbol which does accept an
>> extra argument, the condition. The function above would be written:
>>>>   λ.x,y: x ≠ y, x / (x-y)
>> To do this neatly, one would have to scrap the rule that OMBIND only 
>> takes
>> one 'ordinary' child, but this, I think, is a small price to pay. 
>> Indeed,
>> if it is felt to be too high, one could add OMBINDCOND, with two
>> 'prdinary' children, the first as in OMBIND and the second the 
>> condition.
>> This would rescue MK's DEFINTCOND from the objections in my attached 
>> note.
>> James Davenport
>> Hebron & Medlock Professor of Information Technology
>> Formerly RAE Coordinator and Undergraduate Director of Studies, CS Dept
>> Lecturer on CM30070, 30078, 50209, 50123, 50199
>> Chairman, Powerful Computing WP, University of Bath
>> OpenMath Content Dictionary Editor
>> IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication

 Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,       Office: Research 1, Room 62 
 Professor of Computer Science     Campus Ring 12, 
 School of Engineering & Science   D-28759 Bremen, Germany
 Jacobs University Bremen*         tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140
 m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase 
 skype: m.kohlhase   * International University Bremen until Feb. 2007

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