[Om3] FM re three avenues for the condition elements

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Thu Nov 6 00:44:22 CET 2008


> What would be its 'content model' and would it necessitate saying
> something about Boolean values in Basic OpenMath (which may be useful
> anyway)?

I think the content of OMC, if it were added, would be any openmath
object wouldn't it? nowhere in OM do we restrict the kinds of object
that can appear in any construct with the one exception attribution keys
and bound variables which must be (possibly attributed) OMS rather than
arbitrary objects. 

> and would it necessitate saying something about Boolean values in
> Basic OpenMath 

I don't think so, if a condition can't be interpreted as a boolean
it might cause problems for a system interpretting the OM, but I don't
think that should be restricted by OpenMath itself.

<OMC><OMSTR>condition in words</OMSTR></OMC>

May even make sense...

However haviing flirted with the idea of agreening with adding
condition, after dscussions at the mathml face 2to face, and
subsequently with James, I tink we can model condition adequately at the
CD level, so we should probably do that.

That has the advantage that we can then, if desired, restrict to boolean
valued conditions using the existing mechanisms such as STS signatures,
rather than requiring to talk about typing at the level of OpenMath
itself which as you suggest would be one possible result of promoting
conditions u from the CDlevel to a core OM feature.

for what it's worth, my answers ot your questions

> 2.  More difficult, and probably needs Michael.  Is its introduction
>     to Basic OpenMath:
>     -- essential?
>     -- pragmatically necessary?
>     -- useful?
>     -- tolerable?
>     -- impossibble?


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