[Om3] FM re three avenues for the condition elements
Michael Kohlhase
m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Thu Nov 6 09:44:11 CET 2008
Dear all,
It has turned out that I will be able to attend the flash meeting after
all, which I am happy about.
To speed up things, let me just say that since I seem to be the only one
in the whole OM world with sympathies for an <OMC> element I will
(grudgingly/gracefully) admit defeat and retract the proposal. So then
we can talk about a general way to treat the pragmatic-to-strict
Professor James Davenport wrote:
> On Wed, November 5, 2008 11:44 pm, David Carlisle wrote:
>> Chris
>>> What would be its 'content model' and would it necessitate saying
>>> something about Boolean values in Basic OpenMath (which may be useful
>>> anyway)?
>> I think the content of OMC, if it were added, would be any openmath
>> object wouldn't it? nowhere in OM do we restrict the kinds of object
> True. STS does restrict types, but doesn't define what a type is in any
> formal sense (deliberately).
>> that can appear in any construct with the one exception attribution keys
>> and bound variables which must be (possibly attributed) OMS rather than
>> arbitrary objects.
> OMV for bound variables surely.
> In particular, the 'head' of OMBIND is not so restricted, which allows
> constrcuts like the proposed forallrestricted.
>>> and would it necessitate saying something about Boolean values in
>>> Basic OpenMath
>> I don't think so, if a condition can't be interpreted as a boolean
>> it might cause problems for a system interpretting the OM, but I don't
>> think that should be restricted by OpenMath itself.
>> <OMC><OMSTR>condition in words</OMSTR></OMC>
>> May even make sense...
>> However haviing flirted with the idea of agreening with adding
>> condition, after dscussions at the mathml face 2to face, and
>> subsequently with James, I tink we can model condition adequately at the
>> CD level, so we should probably do that.
> Here I am in total agreememt with David.
>> That has the advantage that we can then, if desired, restrict to boolean
>> valued conditions using the existing mechanisms such as STS signatures,
>> rather than requiring to talk about typing at the level of OpenMath
>> itself which as you suggest would be one possible result of promoting
>> conditions u from the CDlevel to a core OM feature.
>> for what it's worth, my answers ot your questions
>>> 2. More difficult, and probably needs Michael. Is its introduction
>>> to Basic OpenMath:
>>> -- essential?
>> no
> Agreed.
>>> -- pragmatically necessary?
>> no
> Agreed (I now think)
>>> -- useful?
>> perhaps
> And, equally, prehaps not.
>>> -- tolerable?
>> yes
> Here I would add 'but with pain'
>>> -- impossibble?
>> no
> James Davenport
> Hebron & Medlock Professor of Information Technology
> Formerly RAE Coordinator and Undergraduate Director of Studies, CS Dept
> Lecturer on CM30070, 30078, 50209, 50123, 50199
> Chairman, Powerful Computing WP, University of Bath
> OpenMath Content Dictionary Editor
> IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication
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Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase, Office: Research 1, Room 62
Professor of Computer Science Campus Ring 12,
School of Engineering & Science D-28759 Bremen, Germany
Jacobs University Bremen* tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140
m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase
skype: m.kohlhase * International University Bremen until Feb. 2007
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