[Om3] three avenues for the condition elements

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Fri Oct 24 11:12:24 CEST 2008

(warning: this text contains unicode character)

Hello group,

yesterday, at the MathML face-to-face we did discuss three possible  
avenues to answer the need for a condition element, here is a short  
synopsis for them:

#1 condition element
Basically add, in OpenMath and strict MathML, an element called  
condition or omcond that mimics the current condition element.

#2 condition symbol
Invent a new symbol called condition which would do a very similar  
For example, if it was called c, one would write a conditional  
function as
   λ.x,y: c(x ≠ y, x / (x-y) )

#3 conditional symbol variants
For each binder-like symbol, add a variant symbol which does accept an  
extra argument, the condition. The function above would be written:
   λ.x,y: x ≠ y, x / (x-y)

comments welcome. Stan, could you repeat some of the comments in  
favour of #1 in this list please?

thanks in advance

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