[Om3] rnc/rng discrepancies

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue Sep 9 18:22:29 CEST 2008

Dear Christoph,

the grammars are mostly generated in a series of experiments I reported
on in Barcelona. I will have to revisit this and clean up the whole
thing (and document what I did and decide what I still find valuable.)


Christoph LANGE wrote:
> Dear all,
>   in implementing the support for the OpenMath/MathML 3 CD syntax in SWiM I'm
> currently having a look at the Relax NG.  There are bugs which I will report
> in the Trac, but I also have a question:
> It seems that the *.rnc and *.rng files are out of sync.  There are far more
> *.rng file than *.rnc files.  @Michael, the svn log tells me that they may
> have been generated from the *.sts.  But then, what is the subdirectory cd/
> for?
> And there are certain elements that occur in some (generated) *.rng's but not
> in the *.rnc's.  For example the m:nthdiff element.  Even though it seems to
> be part of MathML 3
> (http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/chapter4.html#contm.nthdiff), I think it only
> occurs in the rng's generated from the OpenMath STS -- as it probably was in
> OpenMath 2 but not in MathML 2.
> Thanks for any help,
> Christoph
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 Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,       Office: Research 1, Room 62 
 Professor of Computer Science     Campus Ring 12, 
 School of Engineering & Science   D-28759 Bremen, Germany
 Jacobs University Bremen*         tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140
 m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase 
 skype: m.kohlhase   * International University Bremen until Feb. 2007

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