[Om3] OpenMath Symbols for Symbolic Computation

Peter Horn hornp at mathematik.uni-kassel.de
Thu Sep 11 15:22:19 CEST 2008


>> (1) There is no reasonable representation for matrices.
>>    (We developed a 'matrix1' CD, if you are interested, we'd love to
>> moot it.)
> David Carlisle commented on this, but I'd like to see your matrix1  
> to see
> what sort of functionality you thought was wanted.

Ooooops! I just discovered that the matrix1.html-file I sent yesterday  
was a pretty outdated preliminary version. Please apologize and find  
the correct version attached.

Best regards, Peter
Peter   Horn,   University  of  Kassel          *
Computational    Mathematics     Group      *       *
Heinrich Plett Str. 40,  34132  Kassel    *  [S] [C] [I] [E] [n] [c] [e]
Phone: + 4 9 - 5 6 1 - 8 0 4 - 4 1 9 2   *   http://www.symcomp.org
Fax:   + 4 9 - 5 6 1 - 8 0 4 - 4 6 4 6    *
E-Mail: hornp at mathematik.uni-kassel.de      *       *
             http://kassel.symcomp.org/          *

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