[Om3] CD-review little report

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Sep 18 14:45:01 CEST 2008

Hello CD-friends,

I tried a to review the current OpenMath3 CDs under the spirit of:
- making sure a simple description is there within the Description  
- making sufficient examples are MathML-compatible

- limit1
   - limits: I did not touch any example thus far, we are not yet  
clear about the condition element I'm afraid but I see James has  
started to select examples using MML examples... but I don't see this  
in the output. Also they seem to be speaking to different languages.  
Is this a current work of James?
   - removed unary in limits1/limit... it doesn't seem strictly  
necessary (and is rather not k14)
   - I have rephrased "takes no argument" to "cannot be applied"

  more comments in there as XML comments... we're missing ednote in  
here, sharply!
Is it working somewhere? In which fields?

- calculus1:
   - same for unary
   - added some chosen properties... not sure the OpenMath will  
survive into the MathML-spec
   - tried to make sure there's a word description for any property or  
example. I wonder if the "linear syntax" is something we should keep  
here (but it could be generated!)
- I stopped before integrals


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