[Om3] Editing in the wiki now works

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Sep 22 21:14:28 CEST 2008

Dear OpenMath 3 developers,

  finally I'm proud to announce that editing in the wiki works.  I'm sorry
that it took so long, but it was really non-trivial to get it right.  The
proper structure of a CD is editable in the "Edit" view, whereas the metadata
(basically all String-valued child elements that do not contain markup) are
editable in the "Metadata" view.

Please read the whole mail before starting to edit -- it is still a bit

Note that with a large CD it will take a lot of time (could be 30 seconds)
until you can see something in the editor.  Please do not type anything into
the editor before something appears in there.  One known problem with the
metadata editing form is that once you double-click on a value to edit it, you
don't see anything.  But you will see something when you select the text with
the keyboard or mouse.

On the top of the main page, I have provided a "test CD" (
http://wiki.openmath.org/?title=cd%3Aswimtest ), which you can edit (and
probably check in your svn working copy) to get familiar with the editor.  I
will remove this CD later, when the initial testing of the editor is over.

The svn log when editing metadata is not yet correct; I will fix this ASAP.

Adding proper markup is not user-friendly at the moment; I know that the
toolbar below the editor is barely usable.  Actually there is a highly
improved version, but I had to downgrade this as it interfered with other
features in the editor.  Give me a few more days to debug this, and you will
get a much better toolbar.

The formula editor should work, at least for symbols that were already known
in OpenMath 2 and MathML 2.  It does not yet obtain its symbols from the CDs
in the svn repository, but its supply of symbols is hard-coded.  This will be
improved soon.

Note that our svn server does not support locking and that I cannot afford
implementing diff/patch/merge conflict resolution.  Therefore, be careful, and
just open the edit and metadata views for a short time.

Also note that upon the first edit in the wiki, the formatting of any CD will
completely change, but from then onwards you will again get reasonable svn
diffs.  This is because SWiM is not a text editor but parses the XML.  Certain
properties of the XML output exported from SWiM to the svn can be tweaked,

If something in the svn should break due to a misbehaviour of the wiki, may I
please ask you to:

1. revert to the non-broken version (i.e. the one before your edit via the
2. file me a ticket, mentioning the revision number that was broken by the
   wiki, so that I can investigate the problem

Thanks for your patience, and looking forward to receiving many bug reports,



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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