[Om3] Urgent wiki question: How would you like your metadata?

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Wed Sep 24 18:44:57 CEST 2008

Dear James, dear all,

On Wednesday 24 September 2008 17:13:02 Professor James Davenport wrote:
> While I understand teh question, I think it's very hard for me to know
> WHICH I like in advance of trying them. I suspect document-like is better,
> but this is very much a stab in the dark.

Yes, I'm tending to offering you both alternatives.  Michael also supports
that.  Actually, if we think more in terms of a "knowledge base" than in terms
of document markup, database-style editing is more natural, but on the other
hand the wiki metadata editor has some known deficiencies (so does the
document editor, but these are different bugs, so depending on the situation
either of them may be better).  And we've been used to editing CDs as
documents with an XML or text editor for a long time.

So I'll provide both ways and would then ask you to try out both and give me
feedback which one you like better.



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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