[Om3] CD-review little report

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Sep 25 09:45:42 CEST 2008

Le 22-sept.-08 à 10:05, Professor James Davenport a écrit :

>>>   - I have rephrased "takes no argument" to "cannot be applied"
>> Certainly an improvement.
> What we really mean is that it is a constant, rather than an operator.

to me that is the same meaning

> Of  course, Universal Algebra reagrds constants as nullary  
> operators, which is
> probably where the confused wording came from.
> Actually, I don't think we need any words here: just delete the  
> sentence,
> so that (both_sides, for example) reads "This symbol is used ... both
> sides."

Doesn't it help clarity to make sure that no-one uses it applied  
I thought so.

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