[Om3] binary vs n-ary relations

Jan Willem Knopper jknopper at win.tue.nl
Thu Sep 25 11:14:48 CEST 2008

Professor James Davenport wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Jan Willem Knopper wrote:
> > Chris Rowley wrote:
> > I would assume a rel b rel c is almost the same as a rel b and b rel c
> > (where rel is a relation).
> I would claim that it is EXACTLY the same (and therefore redundant). I do 
> not know where it conveys different information, and if it does, it 
> certainly needs documenting, so Michael's "making them n-ary" doesn't 
> work. 
> As I said, I'm not sure I understand why you would want the SEMANTICS of 
> this, as I am not sure what they are.
You have convinced me.

There are no obvious semantics differences here, and I am not sure
enough that I actually need anything like the semantics of a formula


Jan Willem
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