[Om3] XML Comments now supported [Re: Wiki question: support XML comments? ...]

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Sep 29 21:45:27 CEST 2008

Dear Paul, dear James, dear all,

  I have now added support for <!-- XML comments --> to
the wiki and restored the comments that were lost.  In the document editor
they are now presented in a similar way as metadata fields.  Comments may also
have been lost in linalg1, linalg2, and set1, which Jakob imported/exported
from SWiM on Saturday; I'll check these later.

Let me reply to your detailed questions and comments:

> On Sat, September 27, 2008 1:27 am, Christoph LANGE wrote:
> > On Saturday 27 September 2008 01:15:47 Christoph LANGE wrote:
> > Same for limit1; archived at
> >
> > http://wiki.openmath.org/?title=cd%3Alimit1%2Blimit%2Blimit.ex1
> (a) I don't see where to see the comment

Sorry, I should have said "on the discussion page".  I said that in the other
mail before.  I think that the wiki discussion pages (particularly in
combination with the "pages being discussed" overview on the wiki main page,
or with Trac tickets) are a more adequate way of managing to-dos about
[fragments of] CDs.

> (b) I note that the presentation MathML seems to have lost the 'sin' that
> is present in all other views.

Thanks!  I filed myself a ticket about this, could be a problem with

On Saturday 27 September 2008 20:09:14 Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> I believe comments are really fundamental to be kept.

I agree that the wiki should keep anything that it finds, but I would like …

> There's many "internal metadata" that one keeps as comments and
> loosing them would really mean discouraging their usage in source
> editing.

… to discourage their usage (see above).  Of course, I'm not in the position
to decide this, so I support them from now on.

> As long as source editors are around you need to not loose them at least.
> If you want not to edit them, it may be tolerated I think.

At the moment I can't treat comments like metadata and take them out of the
body of a document (which I do with the other metadata), as they can occur
everywhere in a document.  That is, because of the way the SWiM editor works,
they are editable now.  But try to move the mouse over the label "XML Comment"
on one such comment ;-)



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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