[Om3] UnitsML

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Sun Apr 19 22:14:29 CEST 2009


I'm missing the origin of that discussion.
Are you aware of the new CDs of Joseph Collins?
He has a paper about this to MKM and his CDs just got published:

Search for Collins on http://www.openmath.org/contributed.html
(this list should really be by date and have an RSS stream btw, I  
think it'd deserve a news item)


Le 15-avr.-09 à 17:26, Professor James Davenport a écrit :

> I was kindly invited to the Telco this morning. The following
> points came up:
> 1) NIST pointed out that OMFOREIGN existed, so (JHD's interpretation)
>   <OMA>
>     <OMS name="eq" cd="relation1"/>
>     <OMS name="metre" cd="units_metric1"/>
>   </OMA>
>   would be legal as, say, an FMP.
> 2) NIST pointed out that dimension is necessary, but not sufficient,  
> as in
>   energy versus torque, both of which are force times length.  
> Quantities
>   are (currently) not as formal as dimension.
>                                                     JHD to discuss w/ 
> 3) UnitsML currently specifies a conversion as text, a service (via  
> WSDL),
>   or a linear equation. JHD pointed out that these equations should be
>   formal, i.e. in MathML-C/OM.
>                                                     JHD to discuss w/ 
> 4) JHD noted that, because of OMFOREIGN in one direction and  
> 'external' in
>   UnitsML in the other, either can be included in the other, so it  
> would
>   be desirable to have fixed inclusions with known properties of
>   roundtripping (preferably identity!).
> 5) NIST noted that UnitsML has "reported digits", so 9.17 \ne 9.170.
>   JHD said this wasn't directly possible in MathML as far as he knew.
>   This is part of the general issue of treating uncertainty.
>   JHD wonders privately whether number+interval doesn't help.
>                                                           Any  
> comments?
> 6) UnitsML is working on symbol descriptions: JHD said that, as MathML
>   includes Unicode, this could be done via MathML(-P).
> 7) UnitsML has the concept of "counted item", allowing, say,
>   electrons/sec.
> Most of the real information is not accessible at OASIS, but at
> http://unitsml.nist.gov, in particular
> http://unitsml.nist.gov/Schema/Documentation-0.9.17
> James
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