[Om3] trouble with container markup example

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Feb 12 10:21:38 CET 2009

I think that the fact that Robert and myself didn't find it proves  
that a symbol having the semantic of  
set_of_expression_results_suchthat is wished.

Since we have a "defining FMP" anyone can do so anytime...
But consider here my suggestion (once we find a right name!) for  
inclusion into set1.


Le 12-févr.-09 à 10:14, Professor James Davenport a écrit :

>> with another pattern where the f is not a function and the map
>> operator is visible.
> To take Robert's example, which I suggested was
> map(lambda x.interval(0,x),R),
> I don't think it is far-fetched to map THIS to
> \{interval(0,x), x \in R\}
> Of course, where there is not an explicit lambda-expression to
> deconstruct, life is harder, but I am not sure what else than a 'map'
> could be rendered. It would be a truly intelligent renderer that
> transformed map(sin,R) into [-1,1].

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