[Om3] Om3 Digest, Vol 18, Issue 5

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Mon Mar 23 14:53:25 CET 2009


as a guy having supported authors to write QMath markup that writes  
OpenMath, I promise that thinking in terms of lambda is a torture so  
accepting that more lambdas are natural is, to me, wrong.
I sure know QMath may have been enhanced to avoid it but it is not  
that easy at all!


Le 23-mars-09 à 14:33, David Carlisle a écrit :

>  So I don't think this
> is really a problem in practice, so long as there is a well defined
> mechanism to go from what is meant to what must be encoded in  
> OpenMath,
> adding a few suchthat and lambda symbols at the same time as
> adding the XML markup is just "stuff" which needs to be done but
> shouldn't affect the way you think or talk about or teach the original
> expression.

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