[Om3] Summary of the Davenport&Kohlhase Proposal
Florian Rabe
f.rabe at jacobs-university.de
Mon Mar 23 23:43:14 CET 2009
Hi David,
> I must be missing something
> If you want to encode
>> \sum_{i,j\in N} f(i,j)
> using attributed variables then
>> \sum_{i,j\in N, i \neq j} f(i,j)
> appears to be just the same with the addition of an additional
> attribution, on the inner variable, namely
> replace
> by
> OMBVAR(OMATTR(OMATP(type,N), OMV(i)), OMATTR(OMATP(type,N) OMATP(neq,OMV(i)), OMV(j)))
> which doesn't need any of the complication of the suggested versions,
> and doesn't rewuire a change in OpeMATH.
You're right - I forgot Option 7.
7) Give condition as attribution to the last bound variable.
pro: works in OpenMath 2
con: a condition that is symmetric in its variables is represented asymmetrically
> But arith1:sum is used with OMA not OMBIND
I just used "sum" as an example for some binder that's not represented via higher-order abstract syntax and lambda terms.
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