[Trac] [OpenMath] #95: Add a news item about the wiki

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Tue Nov 4 22:07:50 CET 2008

(trying to reply the mail...)

>  * what happens when I introduce a syntax error?  Will I see some  
> kind of
> error message, or does the server-side build fail silently?  (That's  
> the
> case with our own, similar [http://kwarc.info/projects/wsml/ WSML]  
> system,
> and that sucks.)

It does fail silently for now (and produces garbage in the output in  
worst cases)
One avenue I see there is to simply output the log into a place that's  

> Is it advisable to run ''ant main'' locally before
> committing a larger update?

that's for sure!
"ant main" (just as "ant") is long because of the "www-mass" which  
involves all the talk slides.
use "ant light" rather (which I just inserted).

>  * now that I added some news, I thought, wouldn't it be nice to  
> have an
> RSS feed generated from that?  We have code for that in WSML (which  
> we use
> on http://kwarc.info); maybe it's easy to integrate into your  
> setup.  That
> would then also be a nice feed for Olga to subscribe in JEM.

Sure, would be nice.
What's needed here is only an xslt I suppose.

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