[Om] Adopting the VoCamp idea? (Meeting series for creating lightweight vocabularies)

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Sep 29 15:46:56 CEST 2008

Dear OpenMath users/developers,

  I recently became aware of the existence of a new event series called
VoCamp (http://vocamp.org), where people meet to create lightweight
vocabularies and ontologies.  Maybe that would be a good thing to have in the
OpenMath world as well.  VoCamp originates in the semantic web, but except for
a different terminology their ideas are quite related to ours.  What would you
think about having a, let's say, CDCamp -- an event where the community meet
to create OpenMath CDs?  (See below for more details)

What do you think about that?  Maybe we should even jump on the VoCamp wagon,
as they already have a community portal and some guidelines
(http://vocamp.org/wiki/Best_Practices) -- semantic-web biased at the moment,
but that can be generalised.



Quoting from http://vocamp.org/wiki/WhatIsVoCamp:
> Continued growth of the Web of Data/Semantic Web is heavily dependent on the
> availability of vocabularies/ontologies that can be used to publish data.

I'm pretty sure the same holds for the availability of CDs, and we in the
OpenMath community are not only restricted to publishing data, of course.

> While a number of key vocabularies are in widespread use, there are also
> many areas with little or no vocabulary coverage, hindering the ability to
> publish data in these domains.

And, e.g. judging from the Matrix CD discussion on the OM3 list, I think there
are many OpenMath users out there who have created their own CDs the community
could use but just doesn't know.

> VoCamp is a series (hopefully) of informal events where people can spend
> some dedicated time creating lightweight vocabularies/ontologies for the
> Semantic Web/Web of Data. The emphasis of the event(s) is not on creating
> the perfect ontology in a particular domain, but on creating vocabs that are
> good enough for people to start using for publishing data on the Web. The
> intention is to follow a "paper first, laptops second" format, where the
> modelling is done initially on paper and only later committed to code.

Sounds reasonable to get a first seed, which would be refined later.

Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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