[Om3] three avenues for the condition elements

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Nov 6 00:04:24 CET 2008

Le 06-nov.-08 à 00:02, Professor James Davenport a écrit :

> On Wed, November 5, 2008 1:16 pm, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
>> I have reserved the flashmeeting:
>>   http://fm.ea-tel.eu/fm/356a23-15076
>> for 14:00-15:00 BST
> [I think you actually mean GMT, since it is no longer summer, though  
> we on
> this fog-bound island find it hard to tell]

Isn't it the same now?
(just as CET=GMT+1 now)

>> (i.e. 15:00-16:00 CET)
>> I'm happy if a little menu can be sent around before.
> How about this.
> (1) Is James' summary of where condition is in MathML2 OK?
> (2) Michael proposed adding OMCOND
> (3) James disagrees, and thinks that handling conditions belongs at  
> the
> pragmatic->strict level inside MathML, since <condition> does not  
> have a
> meaning by itself.

That if Michael is not there does not sound a reasonable discussion, or?

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