First announcement of the 8th OpenMath workshop

Stephane Dalmas Stephane.Dalmas at
Sat Apr 19 00:09:01 CEST 1997


                             FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

                        The Eighth OpenMath Workshop

                             May 23 - 24, 1997

                                Nice, France


This is the first announcement and call for talks for the 8th OpenMath
Workshop organized by INRIA (Sophia Antipolis) and to be held in
Nice, France. 

The goal of OpenMath is to define a platform-independent standard for
the representation of mathematical objects so that they may be
exchanged in a meaningful way between various software tools. On
December 15, 1996, the first official version of OpenMath was
released, and it is available through the OpenMath web site This release consists of a set of
Content Dictionaries (CDs), covering basic mathematical concepts.
Subsequent releases of OpenMath will include additional CDs
enriching the set of treated objects. The topics discussed in this
workshop will include:

         * latest developments on OpenMath libraries and programs
         * design and registration of new CDs
         * relationships between OpenMath and other ongoing projects

Participants intending to give a talk should send by e-mail a title
and an abstract to the organizers. Due to the high demand for hotel
rooms in Nice at this time of the year, the number of participants is
limited. Therefore we kindly request you to register AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE using the registration form at the end of this message.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Nice.
The organizers:

Stephane Dalmas
Marc Gaetano
Yves Papegay

Please send all correspondence to:    Stephane.Dalmas at

--------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM --------------------------

                       The Eighth OpenMath Workshop
                             May 23 - 24, 1997
                               Nice, France

Last name:
First name:

Do you need accomodation?
Expected date of arrival:
Expected date of departure:

Do you wish to give a talk (if YES please give a title and an abstract)?

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