[om-a] new list: javamath-discuss

Andrew Solomon andrew at illywhacker.net
Wed May 30 19:31:30 CEST 2001

Dear Friends, 

I would like to invite you to join the new mailing list 
"javamath-discuss". It is a general mailing list for discussion 
about mathematical software development in Java. 

Topics for this list include, but are not limited to, electronic texts, 
JSP, Servlets, the JavaMath API, OpenMath libraries and MathML. 

To send a message to the list, email
	Javamath-discuss at lists.sourceforge.net
and to subscribe or unsubscribe, visit the page:

Best wishes,

Andrew Solomon

PIMS/MITACS/CECM                       http://www.cecm.sfu.ca
Simon Fraser University
Personal homepage:                     http://www.illywhacker.net
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