[om-a] new list: javamath-discuss

Richard Fateman fateman at cs.berkeley.edu
Wed May 30 20:45:48 CEST 2001

The following document:


has a section 
Packaging Lisp applications as Java beans and servlets

suggesting that nearly anything you wish to implement in Lisp
can be accessed via a Java bean.  Thus writing symbolic
math Java stuff can be reduced to writing symbolic Lisp
stuff. This should, in principle, take the pressure off
those people who feel they must rewrite the world in the
syntax of Java. 

Bruce Char has written about writing
Java beans accessing Maple.

As another data point,

has a section 
Packaging Lisp applications as Java beans and servlets

suggesting that nearly anything you wish to implement in Lisp
can be accessed via a Java bean.  Thus writing symbolic
math Java stuff can be reduced to writing symbolic Lisp
stuff. This should, in principle, take the pressure off
those people who feel they must rewrite the world in the
syntax of Java. 

Concerning the general inappropriateness of writing
serious scientific software in Java,
you might also look at a paper by former Berkeley grad
student Joe Darcy (with Prof. Kahan) who wrote extensively
on why Java is bad for floating point computations.
See  "How Java Floating point hurts everyone everywhere"

On the contrary side, you might look at the Titanium
project which suggests that a version of Java might be
useful for expressing parallelism


Andrew Solomon wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I would like to invite you to join the new mailing list
> "javamath-discuss". It is a general mailing list for discussion
> about mathematical software development in Java.
> Topics for this list include, but are not limited to, electronic texts,
> JSP, Servlets, the JavaMath API, OpenMath libraries and MathML.
> To send a message to the list, email
>         Javamath-discuss at lists.sourceforge.net
> and to subscribe or unsubscribe, visit the page:
>         http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/javamath-discuss
> Best wishes,
> Andrew Solomon
> --
> PIMS/MITACS/CECM                       http://www.cecm.sfu.ca
> Simon Fraser University
> Personal homepage:                     http://www.illywhacker.net
> --
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