[om-a] PhD positions in Informatics, Bergen University, Norway

Marc Bezem Marc.Bezem at ii.uib.no
Fri Nov 23 12:01:43 CET 2001

                              2 PhD positions
                         Institute for Informatics
                       University of Bergen, Norway

1. The project.
MoSIS is a IKT project funded by the Norwegian Science Council (NFR)
for the period 2002-2005. Its descriptive full title is:

          Modularity in large Software and Information Systems

Modularization techniques are essential for mastering the complexity of large
systems. There are many approaches: agents, components, libraries, ...
The overall aim of the project is to develop a conceptual and formal
framework for the composition and interaction of software modules at 
various levels of abstraction. The two relevant subprojects aim at
applying formal techniques based on type theory, algebra and/or 
category theory to programming `in the large'. For more information
on the project, see http://www.ii.uib.no/MoSIS 
2. The profile of the candidates.
You have a Master degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Informatics,
Mathematics or Logic. You enjoy working in an internationally oriented, 
English speaking research environment.

3. The jobs. 
The positions are opening up in 2002 and last for three years. 
There are in principle no teaching duties. There is a perspective
for prolongation of at most one year as a research associate.
The salary is about EUR 32.000 per year. 

4. Information and how to apply.
More information can be obtained from Prof.Dr. M.A. Bezem (bezem at ii.uib.no).
You are invited to send an application letter by e-mail, together with
a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two references,
before 21 December 2001. Applicants from outside the European 
Economic Area (EEA) will be considered. 
In a later stage of the procedure we may ask you to write a formal
application to the faculty.

5. Bergen, Norway.
Bergen is the second-largest city in Norway, beautifully situated
between 7 mountains (up to 600m) and fjords. Bergen has about 230.000
inhabitants and all facilities, including a nearby airport. The climate
(including tax pressure) is milder than most people expect, but it
can rain quite hard, indeed. For more information on
- Bergen, see http://www.bergen-guide.com/
- Bergen University, see http://www.uib.no/
- Institute for Informatics, see http://www.ii.uib.no/
- Marc Bezem, see http://www.ii.uib.no/~bezem
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