[om-a] TCS 2002 - New submission date: December 20, 2001

Michel Barbeau michel.barbeau at rogers.com
Thu Nov 29 23:30:04 CET 2001

                                  CALL FOR PAPERS

                      2nd IFIP International Conference on


                                   (TCS 2002)

                         Montreal, August 25-30, 2002

                    co-sponsored by  EATCS and ACM SIGACT

The program of of the conference will be composed of two tracks:

Track 1 -  Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation
Track 2  -  Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification.

Important Dates:

December 20, 2001:  Submissions (EXTENDED)
March    20, 2002:  Notifications

Conference Chair
    Nicola Santoro, Carleton University (santoro at scs.carleton.ca)

Conference Co-Chairs
Track (1)
    Ricardo Baeza-Yates, University of Chile (rbaeza at dcc.uchile.cl)
Track (2)
    Ugo Montanari, University of Pisa, Italy (ugo at di.unipi.it)

Program Committee
Track (1)
      Eric Allender (allender at aramis.rutgers.edu)
      JosÈ Balcazar (balqui at lsi.upc.es)
      Andrej Brodnik (Andrej.Brodnik at IMFM.Uni-Lj.SI)
      Volker Diekert  (diekert at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de)
      David Fernandez-Baca (fernande at cs.iastate.edu)
      Kazuo Iwama (iwama at i.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
      John D. Kececioglu  (kece at CS.Arizona.EDU)
      Jan van Leeuwen (jan at cs.uu.nl)
      Xuemin Lin (lxue at cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
      Alberto Marchetti Spaccamela  (alberto at dis.uniroma1.it)
      David Peleg (peleg at wisdom.weizmann.ac.il)
      Prabhakar Raghavan (pragh at verity.com)
      Venkatesh Raman (vraman at imsc.ernet.in)
      Siang Song (song at ime.usp.br)
      Paul Spirakis (spirakis at cti.gr)
      Luca Trevisan  (luca at eecs.berkeley.edu)
      Brigitte VallËe (Brigitte.Vallee at info.unicaen.fr)
      Alfredo Viola (viola at fing.edu.uy)
      Manfred Warmuth (manfred at cse.ucsc.edu)
      Sue Whitesides (sue at cs.mcgill.ca)
      Peter Widmayer  (widmayer at inf.ethz.ch)
      Jiri Wiederman  (wieder at uivt.cas.cz)

Track (2)
      Gabriel Baum (gbaum at info.unlp.edu.ar)
      Luca Cardelli (luca at microsoft.com)
      Frank DeBoer (frankb at cs.ruu.nl)
      Ursula Goltz (u.goltz at tu-bs.de)
      Roberto Gorrieri (gorrieri at cs.unibo.it)
      Jieh Hsiang  (hsiang at csie.ntu.edu.tw)
      Takayasu Ito (ito at ito.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp)
      Alexander Letichevsky (letichev at carrier.kiev.ua)
      Jean-Jacques Levy (Jean-Jacques.Levy at inria.fr)
      Huimin Lin (lhm at ox.ios.ac.cn)
      Kim Marriott (marriott at csse.monash.edu.au)
      Narciso Marti-Oliet (narciso at eucmos.sim.ucm.es)
      John Mitchell (mitchell at cs.stanford.edu)
      Luis Monteiro (lm at fct.unl.pt)
      Peter Mosses (pdmosses at daimi.aau.dk)
      Prakash Panangaden (prakash at cs.mcgill.ca)
      Benjamin Pierce (bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu)
      Amir Pnueli (amir at wisdom.weizmann.ac.il)
      Leila Ribeiro (leila at inf.ufrgs.br)
      Gheorghe Stefanescu (gheorghe at nus.comp.edu.sg)
      Andrzej Tarlecki (tarlecki at mimuw.edu.pl)
      P.S. Thiagarajan (pst at smi.ernet.in)

Organizing Committee
      Michel Barbeau (barbeau at scs.carleton.ca)  -- Chair
      Amiya Nayak  (nayak at nortelnetworks.com)
      Giuseppe Prencipe (prencipe at di.unipi.it)


    Foundations of IT in the Era of Network and Mobile Computing

Original and significant contributions on the special focus and on
questions are sought from all areas of theoretical computer science.



The conference will be held in Montreal, August 25-30, 2002, as part of
17th IFIP World Computer Congress (http://www.wcc2002.org).
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