[om-a] CFP - 4th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics

Moshe Vardi vardi at cs.rice.edu
Mon Jul 7 18:31:15 CEST 2003

                         Call for submissions

       4th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics
              September 27th, 2003, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Following a series of successful workshops on the implementation of
logics held in conjunction with the LPAR conference, there will be a 
fourth workshop on this topic, to be held in conjunction with 
the 10th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial 
Intelligence, and Reasoning, LPAR 2003, September 22-26, Almaty, Kazakhstan
(see http://www.lpar.net/2003/).

We are looking for contributions describing implementation techniques
of automated reasoning programs, theorem provers for various logics, 
logic programming systems, and related technologies. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

    * System descriptions
    * Data structures and algorithms for the efficient representation of
      logical concepts
    * Practical constraint handling
    * Implementation of provers for different logics
    * Implementation of logic programming
    * Efficient model generation
    * Issues of reliability, proof generation and verification
    * Propositional logic and decision procedures
    * Implementation of higher order logics and lambda-calculus
    * Proof search organisation and efficient heuristics for classical
      and inductive provers
    * Experiences with new or unusual calculi
    * Evaluation and benchmarking of provers and other logic-based systems

We are particularly interested in contributions that help the community
to understand how to build useful and powerful reasoning systems in

Researchers interested in participating are invited to send a short
abstract, experimental paper, position paper, system description, or
research paper of between 2 and 15 pages to B.Konev at csc.liv.ac.uk.
Submissions will be refereed by the program committee, which will select a
balanced program of high-quality contributions.

Submissions should be in standard-conforming Postscript or plain ASCII.
Final versions should be in Postscript and will be included in informal
proceedings of the workshop that will be edited by Boris Konev and
distributed to the participants. Following the workshop, final versions
of the accepted papers may be made available electronically in the
workshop's homepage.

    Important dates:

    * Submission of abstracts: July 27th, 2003
    * Notification: August 15th
    * Final version: September 1st
    * Workshop: September 27th, with LPAR 2003. 


LPAR 2003  registration fee covers the workshop. 
Workshop only registration will be open soon; the workshop
only fee is 120 EUR. For further details on travel, registration,
accommodation, and related issues please see the LPAR 2003
web page (http://www.lpar.net/2003/).

    Program committee:

Elvira Albert              Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Bart Demoen                Catholic Univ. Leuven
Thom Fruehwirth            Universitaet Ulm
Ullrich Hustadt            Univ. Liverpool
Boris Konev (co-chair)     Univ. Liverpool
William McCune             Argonne National Laboratory
Gopalan Nadathur           Univ. Minnesota
Alexandre Riazanov         Univ. Manchester
Kostis Sagonas             Uppsala University
Renate Schmidt (co-chair)  Univ. Manchester
Stephan Schulz             Technische Universitaet Muenchen / RISC Linz
Mark Stickel               SRI International
Hantao Zhang               University of Iowa

    Previous events:

Reunion Workshop (held in conjunction with LPAR'2000 on Reunion Island),
Second Workshop in Cuba (together with LPAR'2001 in Havana, Cuba),
Third workshop on in Tbilisi (together with LPAR'2002 in Tbilisi, Georgia).
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