ETAPS 2004 etaps04 at lsi.upc.es
Mon May 19 14:29:02 CEST 2003

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       ***                       ETAPS 2004                   ***
       ***                March 27 - April 4, 2004            ***
       ***                    Barcelona,  SPAIN               ***
       ***                                                    ***
       ***              http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/        ***

The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working
on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main
conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.

5 Conferences - 22 Satellite Workshops - Tutorials - Tool Demonstrations

        ***                                                    ***
        ***               CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS                 ***    
        ***        Submission deadline: October 17, 2003       ***
        ***                                                    ***

CC 2004: International Conference on Compiler Construction
Chair: Evelyn Duesterwald (IBM, USA)  duester at us.ibm.com

ESOP 2004, European Symposium On Programming
Chair: David Schmidt (Kansas, USA)  schmidt at cis.ksu.edu

FASE 2004, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Co-Chairs: Tiziana Margaria (Dortmund, Germany) tmargaria at metaframe.de
           Michel Wermelinger (Lisboa, Portugal) mw at di.fct.unl.pt

FOSSACS 2004 Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
Chair: Igor Walukiewicz (Bordeaux, France) igw at labri.fr

TACAS 2003, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Co-Chairs: Kurt Jensen (Aarhus, Denmark)  kjensen at daimi.au.dk
           Andreas Podelski (Saarbrücken, Germany)  podelski at mpi-sb.mpg.de

ETAPS main conferences accept two types of contributions:

*   Research papers;
*   Tool demonstration papers.

Research papers:

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English presenting
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted
for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the
same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.

The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Final papers will be no more than 15 pages
long in the format specified by Springer-Verlag at
It is recommended that submissions adhere to that format and length.
Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately.

Instructions on how to submit are available at the URL of each individual
Tool demonstration papers:
Demonstrations of novel and state-of-the-art tools are also invited.
A submission should have a clear connection to one of the
main ETAPS conferences, possibly complementing a paper submitted separately.

Tool demonstrations are an integrated part of the ETAPS programme.
Selected demonstrations will be presented in ordinary conference sessions,
using state-of-the-art projection. The time allowed will be approximately 
the same as that for the presentation of a research paper. The demonstration
will be accompanied by the publication of a short paper (up to 4 pages) in
the proceedings of the relevant ETAPS conference, describing the main features
of the tool. There will be opportunities for follow-up demonstrations with
individuals and small groups.

Submissions should follow the instructions published in the URL of the
relevant conference. They should take the form of a self-contained tool
description of no more than 4 pages in the format specified by
Springer-Verlag at
The tool description should be accompanied by an appendix (not intended for
publication, and not included in the page limit) indicating which features
of the tool would be demonstrated - preferably with some sample screen
snapshots - followed by a detailed specification of the hardware, software,
and licensing requirements for installing and using the tool.

N.B. Tool demonstrations should not be confused with research contributions
to the TACAS conference, which emphasizes principles of tool design,
implementation, and use, rather than focusing on specific domains
of application.

Satellite Workshops

* A-UML - Agents and UML
   Contact: Marc-Philippe Huget (M.P.Huget at csc.liv.ac.uk)
   URL: http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/auml2004

* AVIS'04 - Third International Workshop on Automatic Verification 
   of Infinite-State Systems
   Contact: Dr. Ramesh Bharadwaj (ramesh at itd.nrl.navy.mil)
   URL: http://chacs.nrl.navy.mil/AVIS04

* CMCS 2004 - Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 2004
   Contact: Jiri Adamek (J.Adamek at tu-bs.de)
   URL: http://www.iti.cs.tu-bs.de/~cmcs/

* COCV - 3rd International Workshop on Compiler Optimization Meets 
   Compiler Verification  
   Contact: Jens Knoop (Jens.Knoop at FernUni-Hagen.De)
   URL: http://sunshine.cs.uni-dortmund.de/~knoop/COCV2004/cocv2004.html

* CP+CV'04 - Workshop on Constraint Programming and Constraints 
   for Verification
   Contact: Thom Fruehwirth (Thom.Fruehwirth at informatik.uni-ulm.de)
   URL: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/pm/mitarbeiter/fruehwirth/cp_etaps04.html

* DCC - Designing Correct Circuits
   Contact: Mary Sheeran (ms at cs.chalmers) and 
            Tom Melham (Tom.Melham at comlab.ox.ac.uk)
   URL: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~ms/DCC04/

* FESCA - Formal Foundation of Embedded Software and 
   Component-based Software Architectures
   Contact: Juliana Küster Filipe (jkfilipe at inf.ed.ac.uk)
   URL: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/fesca
   email: fesca-04 at inf.ed.ac.uk

* FUSE 2004 - Foundations of Unanticipated Software Evolution
   Contact: Tom Mens, (Tom.Mens at vub.ac.be)
   URL: http://joint.org/fuse2004/

* GT-VMT - Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques 
   Contact: Reiko Heckel
   URL: http://www.uni-paderborn.de/cs/ag-engels/GT-VMT04
   email: gtvmt04 at upb.de

* INT - Third International Workshop on Integration of Specification 
   Techniques for Applications in Engineering
   Contact: Hartmut Ehrig (ehrig at cs.tu-berlin.de) and 
            Gunnar Schroeter (schroetg at cs.tu-berlin.de)
   URL: http://tfs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~gschroet/int04/index.html

* LDTA - Fourth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
   Contact: Joao Saraiva (jas at di.uminho.pt)
   URL: http://www.di.uminho.pt/LDTA04

* MBT 2004 - International Workshop on Model-Based Testing 
   Contact: Alexander Kossatchev (kos at ispras.ru)
   URL: http://www.ispras.ru/news/MBT2004.html

* QAPL'04 -  2nd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
   Contact: Alessandra Di Pierro
   URL: http://qapl04.di.unipi.it/
   email: qapl04 at di.unipi.it

* RV'04 - Fourth Workshop on Runtime Verification
   Contact: Klaus Havelund (havelund at email.arc.nasa.gov)
   URL: http://ase.arc.nasa.gov/rv2004

* SC 2004 - Software Composition
   Contact: Uwe Assmann (uweas at ida.liu.se)
   URL: http://www.ida.liu.se/~uweas/sc2004

* SFEDL - Semantic Foundations of Engineering Design Languages
   Contact:  Michael Mendler (michael.mendler at wiai.uni-bamberg.de)
   URL: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/~ba7gi99/sfedl04/

* SLAP 2004 : Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programs
   Contact: Florence Maraninchi (Florence.Maraninchi at imag.fr)
   URL: http://www.inrialpes.fr/pop-art/people/girault/Slap04

* SPIN - 11th International Workshop on Model-Checking of Software
   Contact: Susanne Graf, Verimag/CNRS (spin04 at imag.fr) 
   URL: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/SPIN-2004       

* TACoS - Test and Analysis of Component-Based Systems
   Contact: Mauro Pezzè (pezze at disco.unimib.it)
   URL: www.lta.disco.unimib.it/tacos

* WADT'04 - 17th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
   Contact: Fernando Orejas (orejas at lsi.upc.es)

* WITS'04 - Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security 
   Contact: Peter Y A Ryan (peter.ryan at ncl.ac.uk)
   URL: http://www.dsi.unive.it/IFIPWG1_7/wits2004.html

* WRLA 2004 - 5th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic 
   and its Applications
   Contact: Narciso Marti-Oliet (narciso at sip.ucm.es)
   URL: http://www.fdi.ucm.es/wrla2004 
   email: wrla2004 at sip.ucm.es


Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to ETAPS 2004 are
invited. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their
assessed benefit for prospective participants to ETAPS 2004.

Proposals should include a description of the material that will be covered
in the tutorial; a justification of the relevance of the tutorial for ETAPS
2004; a short history of the tutorial if it has been given before;
the duration of the tutorial; scope of the tutorial; the key learning
objectives for the participants; the intended audience for the tutorial
and required background; and the credentials for the instructor(s).

Contact: Jordi Cortadella - http://www.lsi.upc.es/~jordic/


Serge Abiteboul, INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
Hubert Comon, Cachan, France
Robin Milner, Cambridge, UK
Peter O'Hearn, London, UK
Gruia-Catalin Roman, Washington Univ., USA
Mary Lou Soffa, Pittsburgh, USA
Antti Valmari, Tampere, Finland


October 17,  2003   Submission deadline for the main conferences and tutorials

December 12, 2003   Notification of acceptance/rejection

January  9,  2004   Camera-ready version due

March 29 - April 2, 2004   ETAPS 2004 main conferences

March 27 - April 4, 2004   ETAPS 2004 satellite events


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