[om-a] Postdoc Position

Florina Piroi piroi at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Tue Feb 10 15:23:36 CET 2004

[Please apologize for multiple copies]

Postdoc Position in the Theorema Project

In the Theorema Project a postdoc position is available for 3 years
in the frame of the newly created Radon Institute for Computational
and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of
Science in Linz, Austria.

The goal of the Theorema Project is the design and implementation
of a software system for supporting all phases of mathematical theory
exploration. The Theorema Group consists of 10 coworkers (faculty,
postdocs, PhD students), seven of them in the frame of RISC 
(Research of Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University,
Linz, Austria) and three of them in the frame of RICAM.

Candidates for this postdoc position should send their application

Bruno.Buchberger at jku.at

Prerequisites: PhD in mathematics or computer science,
high research potential, profound formal training, software 

For more information see:


Bruno Buchberger
Project Leader of Theorema
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