[Om-announce] PhD position in the area of Groebner Bases

Temur Kutsia kutsia at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Wed Mar 26 19:57:47 CET 2008

 From Bruno Buchberger:

Dear colleagues and students,

I am able to offer a position for working on a PhD thesis in the area of 
Gröbner under my supervision. Details can be found at


and in the attached announcement. Deadline of application is May 15, 
2008. The position is available in the frame of a new Doctorate Program 
on "Computational Mathematics" offered by RISC in cooperation with 
Numerical Computation Groups at the Johannes Kepler University, Austria.

The goal of the thesis is a thorough presentation of the theory and 
algorithmics of noncommutative Gröbner bases in a completely formal 
(logic) frame, namely the Theorema version of predicate logic. In the 
first part of the thesis, using and extending the Theorema automated 
formal reasoning tools, the theory should be formally verified and, 
using the Theorema functor programming paradigm, the algorithmics should 
be implemented in a generic, and also formally verified, way. The subtle 
relation of (noncommutative) Gröbner bases theory with linear algebra 
based on the notion of generalized Sylvester matrix, which has 
significant potential for improving the algorithmics but is not yet 
sufficiently studied theoretically, should be investigated in detail 
using the formal theory and the formal exploration tools provided in the 
first part of the thesis. One major application of noncommutative 
Gröbner bases theory, e.g. cryptography, should be explored and 
implemented. The thesis will also serve as an important input into a 
major research project "Math Journals as Active Reasoning Agents" by the 
same proposer in cooperation with a renowned international mathematics 
publishing company and will be carried out in close cooperation with the 
currently most active research groups in noncommutative Gröbner bases 
theory worldwide.

I ask my colleagues to make this announcement known to students 
interested. Applications should be submitted through the above web site. 
If there are questions, write directly to my: bruno.buchberger at jku.at.

Bruno Buchberger, Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult.
Professor of Computer Mathematics
Head of Softwarepark Hagenberg

Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University
A4232 Schloss Hagenberg
++ 43 664 4211646
bruno.buchberger at jku.at

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