[Om-announce] Announcement for PhD fellowships

Temur Kutsia tkutsia at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Fri May 30 18:56:37 CEST 2008

[Apologies for multiple copies.]

>From Prof. Bruno Buchberger:

 *	       POSITIONS FOR PHD STUDENTS                 *
 *                                                        *
 *  At RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation) *
 * Johannes Kepler University,  Linz / Hagenberg, Austria *

-  Learn Groebner Bases from the Inventor.
-  Deeply Dive into Automated Reasoning.

I can offer excellent students with a master's in mathematics
or computer science PhD fellowships for 3 years 
(1600 Euro per month) at the cutting edge of Groebner Bases
theory / algorithmics and automated reasoning.

For more details and applications forms etc. see  

Deadline for application: 
    June 15, 2008. 

Send a copy of the application directly to me: 
    bruno.buchberger at jku.at

Bruno Buchberger
Inventor of the Groebner Bases Method *)

*) 2008 ACM Kanellakis Award  Winner, see 

Bruno Buchberger, Dr.phil. Dr.h.c.mult.
Professor of Computer Mathematics
Head of Softwarepark Hagenberg

Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University
A4232 Schloss Hagenberg
++ 43 664 4211646
bruno.buchberger at jku.at

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