[Om-announce] ICFCA - CFP

Nisheeth Joshi nisheeth.joshi at rediffmail.com
Mon Jun 29 07:41:34 CEST 2009

ICFCA-2010: ACM International Conference on Futuristic Computing & Applications
                                  IISc Bangalore, India

                               20 - 21 March 2010

                                   Organized by
                  Association of Computing Machinery, USA

                  		   Supported By
Google Inc., Intel Co. USA,Texas Instruments USA, HP, USA, 

Philips,Yahoo Inc, Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, NASSCOM, Vnysea  

                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

ICFCA is a yearly international conference sponsored by ACM. The conference proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library and in the International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA). 

IJFCA is regarded as one of the pioneer international journals bridging the divide between the academia and the corporate. It also facilitates as an incubator to new ideas as well and provides free counsel to researchers in the patent application procedures.

It is now widely recognized that applied research has a key role to play in moving computer science beyond academia into business. The aim of this multi-track conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, students, technology market movers and thought leaders, with a view to advance the state of the art and the state of the practice in applied research. We solicit papers primarily in areas of applied research that are of contemporary interest to the broader practitioner community in the current technology adoption cycle.

1.1 Computer Science/ Information Technology

    * Computer Architecture		 	
    * Data Base Management Systems
    * Data Structures and Algorithms 	 	
    * Computer Communication and Networks
    * System Analysis and Design	 	
    * System Software
    * Object Oriented Analysis and Design	
    * Operating Systems
    * Unix and Network Programming		
    * Advanced Databases
    * Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems	
    * Internet Programming and Tools
    * Visual Programming			
    * Advanced Java Programming
    * Electronic Commerce 			
    * Software Quality Management
    * Parallel and Distributed computing	
    * Data Mining and Data Warehousing
    * Component Based Development		
    * Network Protocols and Management
    * Optimization Techniques			
    * Advanced Software Engineering
    * Principles of Compiler Design		
    * Computer Peripheral and Interfacing Techniques
    * Software Agents				
    * Computer simulation and Modeling
    * Program Design and Development		
    * Telecommunication Switching Techniques
    * Information Coding Techniques 		
    * TCP/IP and socket Programming
    * Multimedia Systems 			
    * Biocomputing
    * Cryptogrphy & Steganography		
    * Ethical Hacking
    * Quantum Computing				
    * Bio Informatics
    * Fault Tolerant Systems			
    * Decision Support Systems
    * Management Information System		
    * Image Processing 
    * Artificial Intelligence			
    * Soft Computing
    * Blue Tooth Technology			
    * Optical Computing
    * Natural Language Processing		
    * Enterprise Resource Planning
    * Parallel Processing			
    * Interactive Computer Graphics
    * Probability and Queueing Theory 		
    * Network protocols, Management and Security
    * Neural Computing				
    * Real Time Systems
    * Digital Speech and Image Processing	
    * Pattern Recognition
    * High Performance Microprocessors		
    * Robotics
    * Graph Theory				
    * Java Virtual Machine
    * Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation	
    * TCP/IP-Design and Implementation
    * Component ware Architectures		
    * Mainframe Computing
    * High Performance Networks			
    * Network Design Security and Management
    * Medical Informatics 			
    * Web Technology
    * Wireless Technologies			
    * Internet Technologies
    * Role of It in Development of rural area	
    * Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology 
1.2 Electrical, Electronics & Electronics Telecommunication

    * Artificial Intelligence			
    * Embedded System and Design
    * Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design (VLSI)
    * Linear IC’s and Application 		
    * Intelligent Controllers
    * Bio-Medical Instrumentation		
    * Power Electronics
    * Robotics and Vision System		
    * Sensor and Signal Processing
    * Design of Mechatronics System		
    * Programmable Logic Control
    * Automotive Electronics			
    * Measurements and Instrumentation
    * Communication Theory and Systems		
    * Television and Video Engineering
    * Antennas and Propagation			
    * Advanced Electronic System Design
    * Advanced Solid State Devices		
    * Computer Aided Analysis and Design
    * Advanced Digital Signal Processing	
    * Cellular Mobile Communication
    * Electromagnetic Theory 			
    * Network Analysis And Synthesis  
    * Transmission & Distribution		
    * Design Of Electrical Apparatus 
    * Protection & Switchgear			
    * High Voltage Engineering  
    * Computer Aided Design Of Electrical Apparatus
    * EHV AC & DC Transmission Engineering
    * Power System
    * Neural Networks and Application to Power Systems 
    * Solid State Relays			
    * Power Plant Instrumentation 
    * Advanced Control Systems 			
    * Wireless Technologies
    * Microprocessor & Microcontroller applications
    * Electromagnetic Interface and Compatibility
    * Integrated Services Digital Network	
    * Telecommunication Switching and Networks
    * Telecommunication System Modeling and Simulation
    * Modern Digital Communication Techniques	
    * Multimedia Compression Techniques
    * Optical Fiber Communication		
    * Radar and Navigation Aids
    * Special Electro Mechanical Devices	
    * Solid State Drives
    * Switched mode and Resonant Converters	
    * Advance control of PWM Inverter fed Induction Motor
    * Power Conditioning			
    * Microprocessor Applications in Power Electronics
    * Advanced Digital Control System		
    * Computer Methods in Power System Analysis.
    * Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS)
    * Wind Energy and Other Non-conventional Energy Systems
    * Electric Energy Utilization And Conservation
    * Fuzzy Set Theory and Application to Power Systems
    * Special Electrical Machines 

ICFCA paper submission procedure adheres to strict deadlines. Late Submissions will most likely be rejected by the program chair. Receipt of a submission will be acknowledged to the contact author, who is ultimately responsible for verifying arrival of the paper/manuscript to the program chair.

All the papers/manuscripts should be electronically mailed to: chair at icfca.org

The ACM Proceeding template can be downloaded here - ACM Proceeding Template . A maximum of 5 co-authors can participate in any ACM-ICFCA conference paper submission. More Information Available at http://www.icfca.org

     Paper submission deadline       15 September, 2009
     Paper acceptance notification   16 November, 2009
     Camera ready copy due           29 January, 2010 
     Copyright submission last date  29 January, 2010
     fees paymnent last date	     29 January, 2010	

     Dr. Steve Paterson, Duke University, UK 

     Dr. Swaminathan Reddy, Google, USA

     Dr. Sridhar Subramanium, Infosys
     Dr. A.K. Brown, Cisco, USA	
     Joe Halpern, Cornell University
     Jason Hartline, Microsoft Research
     Donna Hoffman, Univesity of California, Riverside 
     Kartik Hosanager, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania 
     Nicole Immorlica, CWI, Netherlands
     Adam Juda, Google, USA

Those who cannot come to Bangalore on the conference days due to prior engagements but wish to present a paper in absentia can do so. Papers presented in absentia are eligible to be included in the conference and shall avail of all the privileges bestowed on any regular paper. The full length papers will be published in International Journal of Futuristic Computing as well and shall also compete for a place in the ACM Digital Library. The author who registers in absentia will be sent the conference and sponsors kits by April 25, 2010.


   ICFCA public relations team

   Prof. J Thrope
   Chair, ICFCA
   Duke University
   Durham, NC 27708, USA
   usa at icfca.org

   Mr. Nirmalya Kalita
   COrrespondence Chair, ICFCA
   Glasgow, UK
   europe at icfca.org

   Mr. Vishal Dhatrak
   International Conference on Futuristic Computer Applications
   Bangalore, India
   pr at icfca.org



Dear Sir & Iti,
Thanks for this information. It seems to be very useful and has some time too, so that one can work on one good quality paper.
Howz life? It was really memorable for all of us to be together at IIITA. Now, we are back in our busy lives again.
Thanks & Regards,
Neelu J Ahuja,


    -----Original Message-----
    From: "Nisheeth Joshi" 
    To: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
    Date: 29 Jun 2009 02:57:30 -0000
    Subject: ICFCA - CFP

    ICFCA-2010: ACM International Conference on Futuristic Computing and
    IISc Bangalore, India

    20 - 21 March 2010

    Organized by
    Association of Computing Machinery, USA

    Supported By
    Google Inc., Intel Co. USA,Texas Instruments USA, HP, USA,
    Philips,Yahoo Inc, Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, NASSCOM, Vnysea


    ICFCA is a yearly international conference sponsored by ACM. The conference proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library and in the International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA).

    IJFCA is regarded as one of the pioneer international journals bridging the divide between the academia and the corporate. It also facilitates as an incubator to new ideas as well and provides free counsel to researchers in the patent application procedures.

    It is now widely recognized that applied research has a key role to play in moving computer science beyond academia into business. The aim of this multi-track conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners, students, technology market movers and thought leaders, with a view to advance the state of the art and the state of the practice in applied research. We solicit papers primarily in areas of applied research that are of contemporary interest to the broader practitioner community in the current technology adoption cycle.

    1.1 Computer Science/ Information Technology

    * Computer Architecture
    * Data Base Management Systems
    * Data Structures and Algorithms
    * Computer Communication and Networks
    * System Analysis and Design
    * System Software
    * Object Oriented Analysis and Design
    * Operating Systems
    * Unix and Network Programming
    * Advanced Databases
    * Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems
    * Internet Programming and Tools
    * Visual Programming
    * Advanced Java Programming
    * Electronic Commerce
    * Software Quality Management
    * Parallel and Distributed computing
    * Data Mining and Data Warehousing
    * Component Based Development
    * Network Protocols and Management
    * Optimization Techniques
    * Advanced Software Engineering
    * Principles of Compiler Design
    * Computer Peripheral and Interfacing Techniques
    * Software Agents
    * Computer simulation and Modeling
    * Program Design and Development
    * Telecommunication Switching Techniques
    * Information Coding Techniques
    * TCP/IP and socket Programming
    * Multimedia Systems
    * Biocomputing
    * Cryptogrphy & Steganography
    * Ethical Hacking
    * Quantum Computing
    * Bio Informatics
    * Fault Tolerant Systems
    * Decision Support Systems
    * Management Information System
    * Image Processing
    * Artificial Intelligence
    * Soft Computing
    * Blue Tooth Technology
    * Optical Computing
    * Natural Language Processing
    * Enterprise Resource Planning
    * Parallel Processing
    * Interactive Computer Graphics
    * Probability and Queueing Theory
    * Network protocols, Management and Security
    * Neural Computing
    * Real Time Systems
    * Digital Speech and Image Processing
    * Pattern Recognition
    * High Performance Microprocessors
    * Robotics
    * Graph Theory
    * Java Virtual Machine
    * Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation
    * TCP/IP-Design and Implementation
    * Component ware Architectures
    * Mainframe Computing
    * High Performance Networks
    * Network Design Security and Management
    * Medical Informatics
    * Web Technology
    * Wireless Technologies
    * Internet Technologies
    * Role of It in Development of rural area
    * Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology

    1.2 Electrical, Electronics & Electronics Telecommunication

    * Artificial Intelligence
    * Embedded System and Design
    * Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design (VLSI)
    * Linear ICs and Application
    * Intelligent Controllers
    * Bio-Medical Instrumentation
    * Power Electronics
    * Robotics and Vision System
    * Sensor and Signal Processing
    * Design of Mechatronics System
    * Programmable Logic Control
    * Automotive Electronics
    * Measurements and Instrumentation
    * Communication Theory and Systems
    * Television and Video Engineering
    * Antennas and Propagation
    * Advanced Electronic System Design
    * Advanced Solid State Devices
    * Computer Aided Analysis and Design
    * Advanced Digital Signal Processing
    * Cellular Mobile Communication
    * Electromagnetic Theory
    * Network Analysis And Synthesis
    * Transmission & Distribution
    * Design Of Electrical Apparatus
    * Protection & Switchgear
    * High Voltage Engineering
    * Computer Aided Design Of Electrical Apparatus
    * EHV AC & DC Transmission Engineering
    * Power System
    * Neural Networks and Application to Power Systems
    * Solid State Relays
    * Power Plant Instrumentation
    * Advanced Control Systems
    * Wireless Technologies
    * Microprocessor & Microcontroller applications
    * Electromagnetic Interface and Compatibility
    * Integrated Services Digital Network
    * Telecommunication Switching and Networks
    * Telecommunication System Modeling and Simulation
    * Modern Digital Communication Techniques
    * Multimedia Compression Techniques
    * Optical Fiber Communication
    * Radar and Navigation Aids
    * Special Electro Mechanical Devices
    * Solid State Drives
    * Switched mode and Resonant Converters
    * Advance control of PWM Inverter fed Induction Motor
    * Power Conditioning
    * Microprocessor Applications in Power Electronics
    * Advanced Digital Control System
    * Computer Methods in Power System Analysis.
    * Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS)
    * Wind Energy and Other Non-conventional Energy Systems
    * Electric Energy Utilization And Conservation
    * Fuzzy Set Theory and Application to Power Systems
    * Special Electrical Machines

    ICFCA paper submission procedure adheres to strict deadlines. Late Submissions will most likely be rejected by the program chair. Receipt of a submission will be acknowledged to the contact author, who is ultimately responsible for verifying arrival of the paper/manuscript to the program chair.

    All the papers/manuscripts should be electronically mailed to: chair at icfca.org

    The ACM Proceeding template can be downloaded here - ACM Proceeding Template . A maximum of 5 co-authors can participate in any ACM-ICFCA conference paper submission. More Information Available at http://www.icfca.org

    Paper submission deadline 15 September, 2009
    Paper acceptance notification 16 November, 2009
    Camera ready copy due 29 January, 2010
    Copyright submission last date 29 January, 2010
    fees paymnent last date 29 January, 2010


    Dr. Steve Paterson, Duke University, UK

    Dr. Swaminathan Reddy, Google, USA

    Dr. Sridhar Subramanium, Infosys
    Dr. A.K. Brown, Cisco, USA
    Joe Halpern, Cornell University
    Jason Hartline, Microsoft Research
    Donna Hoffman, Univesity of California, Riverside
    Kartik Hosanager, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
    Nicole Immorlica, CWI, Netherlands
    Adam Juda, Google, USA

    Those who cannot come to Bangalore on the conference days due to prior engagements but wish to present a paper in absentia can do so. Papers presented in absentia are eligible to be included in the conference and shall avail of all the privileges bestowed on any regular paper. The full length papers will be published in International Journal of Futuristic Computing as well and shall also compete for a place in the ACM Digital Library. The author who registers in absentia will be sent the conference and sponsors kits by April 25, 2010.


    ICFCA public relations team

    Prof. J Thrope
    Chair, ICFCA
    Duke University
    Durham, NC 27708, USA
    usa at icfca.org

    Mr. Nirmalya Kalita
    COrrespondence Chair, ICFCA
    Glasgow, UK
    europe at icfca.org

    Mr. Vishal Dhatrak
    International Conference on Futuristic Computer Applications
    Bangalore, India
    pr at icfca.org




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