[Om-announce] CFP: Post-proceedings of HyLo 2010

Thomas Bolander tb at imm.dtu.dk
Sun May 9 00:55:41 CEST 2010

                      CALL FOR PAPERS
Post-Proceedings of Hybrid Logic and Applications (HyLo 2010)
           Submission deadline: September 15, 2010

The post-proceedings of the HyLo 2010 workshop
(http://hylocore.ruc.dk/HyLo2010.html) will be published, after a formal
refereeing procedure, as a volume of Elsevier Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/entcs). Submissions are not
restricted to works presented at the workshop.

General information
Hybrid logic is an extension of modal logic which allows us to refer
explicitly to states of the model in the syntax of formulas. Developed
in the last fifteen years or so, Hybrid logic is now a mature field on
its own with significant impact on a range of other fields.

The post-proceedings volume editors welcome original high-quality
contributions on hybrid logic and applications that have not been
published or submitted elsewhere. The scope is not only standard
hybrid-logical machinery like nominals, satisfaction operators, and the
downarrow binder but, more generally, extensions of modal logic that
increase its expressive power. Please use the HyLo 2010 submission page
to submit papers (https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=hylo2010).
Use the submission category "Additional papers". Papers should not
exceed 17 pages including references. Authors must prepare their
submissions according to the ENTCS guidelines (http://www.entcs.org).
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee of HyLo 2010.

Important dates
The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2010.

Contact Details
Please send all correspondence regarding submissions to the organizers
of HyLo 2010:

Thomas Bolander

Torben Braüner

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