[Om-announce] STACS 2011 - Last Call for Papers

Thomas Schwentick thomas.schwentick at udo.edu
Sat Sep 11 15:05:21 CEST 2010

28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

               STACS 2011 - LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

               March 10-12, 2011, Dortmund, Germany

             Deadline for submission:  September 24, 2010
      Submission site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=stacs2011


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and
unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer
science. Typical areas include (but are not limited to):

* Algorithms and data structures, including: parallel and distributed
  algorithms, computational geometry, cryptography, algorithmic learning
* Automata and formal languages;
* Computational and structural complexity;
* Logic in computer science, including: semantics, specification, and
  verification of programs, rewriting and deduction;
* Current challenges, for example: biological computing, quantum
  computing, mobile and net computing.

Dietmar Berwanger, ENS Cachan
Patrick Briest, Paderborn University
Christian Choffrut, LIAFA, Université Denis Diderot 
Benjamin Doerr, MPI Saarbrücken
Christoph Dürr, Ecole Polytechnique  (co-chair)
Leah Epstein, University of Haifa
Thomas Erlebach, University of Leicester
Michele Flammini, University of L'Aquila 
Nicolas Hanusse, LaBRI Bordeaux
Markus Holzer, Gießen University
Dániel Marx, Tel Aviv University
Claire Mathieu, Brown University
Colin McDiarmid, Oxford University
Rolf Niedermeier, Jena University
Nicolas Ollinger, Aix-Marseille Université
Marco Pellegrini, CNR Pisa
Jean-Francois Raskin, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Thomas Schwentick, TU Dortmund University (co-chair)
Jeffrey Shallit, University of Waterloo
Till Tantau, University of Lübeck
Sophie Tison, Université de Lille
Ronald de Wolf, CWI Amsterdam

- Susanne Albers, Humboldt University Berlin
- Veronique Cortier, LORIA Nancy
- Georg Gottlob, Oxford University

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12
pages (STACS style or similar - e.g. LaTeX article style, 11pt
a4paper) at

The title page must contain a classification of the topic
covered, preferably using the list of topics above. The paper should
contain a succinct statement of the issues and of their motivation, a
summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their
significance, accessible to non-specialist readers. Proofs omitted due
to space constraints must be put into an appendix to be read by the
program committee members at their discretion. Submissions deviating
from these guidelines risk rejection. Electronic submissions should be
formatted in PDF.

Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published
proceedings is not allowed.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Symposium.
As usual, these proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss
Dagstuhl. This guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access,
while the authors will retain the rights over their work.  In
addition, the proceedings will also be available as archives in the
open access electronic repositories HAL and arXiv. With their
submission, authors consent to sign a license authorizing the program
committee chairs to organize the electronic publication of their paper
if it is accepted. Further details are available on www.stacs-conf.org
and on the conference website, stacs2011.de. 

Instructions for the preparation of final manuscripts can be found at
the LIPIcs website:

Participants of the conference will receive a USB-stick with an
electronic version of the proceedings.  It is also planned to publish
in a journal a selection of papers.

Deadline for submission:  September 24, 2010
Notification to authors:  November 29, 2010
Final version:              January 3, 2011
Symposium:                March 10-12, 2011

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