[Om-announce] CFP: 1st Open EIT ICT Labs Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering

Marco Roveri roveri at fbk.eu
Sun Mar 17 10:59:43 CET 2013

(apology if you receive this announcement through multiple lists)

                 First Open EIT ICT Labs Workshop on
                  Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering
                       Fondazione Bruno Kessler
                        Trento, May 24th, 2013
                        Call for Contributions
General Information
The First Open Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering will be
held in Trento on May 24th, 2013. The Centre for Information
Technology (Irst) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler together with the
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of
the University of Trento make up Trento RISE, an EIT ICT pole for
excellence located in the Trentino Region, the heart of one of the
most innovative areas of Italy and Europe. The FBK is a hotspot where
education, research, and industry meet.

Context and Motivation
The ongoing integration of software-intensive embedded systems and
global communication networks into Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is
considered to be the next revolution in ICT with a great deal of
game-changing business potential and novel business models for
integrated products and services. Many technology leaders are already
in the midst of a global race of repositioning and reinventing
themselves by developing new dynamic CPS-inspired business models.

Mastering the engineering of complex and trustworthy CPS is crucial to
implementing such business models. Current systems engineering
frameworks, however, do not enable a conceptualization and design for
the deep interdependencies among engineered systems and the natural
world. Thus, there is a clear need for a new Cyber-Physical Systems
Engineering (CPSE) framework for apprehending the development and
operation of highly efficient CPS upon which people can almost blindly

The workshop will be a venue to share and consolidate results, to plan
joint work, and to catalyse a joint industry-academia platform to
accomplish these ambitious goals. The organization committee welcomes
the submission of position papers, short papers and presentations
about any topics related to:

* Integrated processes based on the design-operation life-cycle  continuum 
* Multidisciplinary modelling and analysis of discrete-continuous systems 
* Composition and integration frameworks for heterogeneous systems
* Scalable and evolvable system and software architectures
* Open and standardized tool integration frameworks for performance
  and trustworthiness analysis
* Industrial experience on engineering CPS

The workshop will take place in the FBK research centre located in the
suburban hills of Povo, few minutes from the Trento's downtown, which
contains a picturesque Medieval and Renaissance historic centre, with
ancient buildings such as Trento Cathedral and the Castello del

Program Committee
* Manfred Broy (Technical University of Munich)
* Mar�a Victoria Cengarle (fortiss)
* Alessandro Cimatti (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Rainer Ersch  (Siemens)
* Elena Fersman  (Ericsson)
* Luigi Palopoli (University of Trento)
* Holger Pfeifer (fortiss)
* Marco Roveri (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Harald  Rue� (Fortiss)
* Martin T�rngren (KTH)
* Cornel Klein (Siemens)

Organization Committee
* Mar�a Victoria Cengarle (Fortiss)
* Alessandro Cimatti (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
* Marco Roveri (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

Position statements as well as short papers are welcome (2-5
pages). From the submissions the organization committee will select a
balanced program based on relevance and technical soundness.  Please
follow the instructions at the submission web page:


We will consider the publication of selected submissions in a workshop
proceedings volume as an EIT ICT Labs online publication as well as a
CEUR online publication, ISSN 1613-0073, http://ceur-ws.org .

Important Dates
Submission of extended abstract/short paper: Apr 15th, 2013   
Notification to authors:                     Apr 30th, 2013
Workshop:                                    May 24th, 2013

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