[Om-announce] 2nd CfP: Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2014)

Peter Höfner Peter.Hoefner at nicta.com.au
Tue Oct 8 05:00:26 CEST 2013

                          2nd CALL FOR PAPERS

                 14th International Conference on
   Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2014)

      27 April to 1 May 2014, Marienstatt im Westerwald, Germany
             URL:  http://mathcs.chapman.edu/ramics2014
      PDF: http://mathcs.chapman.edu/ramics2014/RAMiCS14-CFP.pdf

Invited Speakers

* C.A.R. Hoare (Microsoft Research Cambridge, to be confirmed)
* Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester)
* Jose Oliveira (Universidade do Minho)


We invite submissions in the general area of Relational and Algebraic Methods
in Computer Science. Special focus will lie on formal methods for software
engineering, logics of programs and links with neighbouring disciplines.

Particular topics of interest for the conference cover,
but are not limited to:

* Algebraic approaches to
  • specification, development, verification, and analysis of programs
    and algorithms
  • computational logic, in particular logics of programs, modal and
    dynamic logics, interval and temporal logics
  • semantics of programming languages

* Applications in fields such as
  • relational formal methods such as B or Z, tabular methods
  • information systems
  • graph theory and combinatorial optimisation
  • games, automata and language theory
  • spatio-temporal reasoning, knowledge acquisition
  • preference and scaling methods, computational social choice,
    social software

* Theoretical foundations and supporting tools, including
  • mechanised and automated reasoning, decision procedures
  • process algebras, fixed point calculi, idempotent semirings,
    quantales, allegories
  • dynamic algebras, cylindric algebras and their applications in computing


Since 1994, the RelMiCS meetings on Relational Methods in Computer Science
have been a main forum for researchers who use the calculus of relations
and similar algebraic formalisms as methodological and conceptual tools.
The AKA workshop series on Applications of Kleene algebra started with a
Dagstuhl seminar in 2001 and was co-organised with the RelMiCS conference
until 2009. Since 2011, joint RAMiCS conferences continue to encompass
the scope of both RelMiCS and AKA.

The predecessors of this conference were held in Dagstuhl (January 1994),
Parati (September 1995), Hammamet (January 1997), Warsaw (September 1998),
Québec (January 2000), Dagstuhl (February 2001), Oisterwijk (October 2001),
Malente (April 2003), St. Catherines (January 2005), Manchester
(September 2006), Frauenwörth (April 2008), Doha (November 2009),
Rotterdam (June 2011), and Cambridge UK (September 2012).

Student Program

The conference will be accompanied by a PhD training program. Details will
be published in due time in a special call and on the conference website.

Proceedings and Submission

All papers will be formally reviewed. The proceedings will be published
in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ready at
the conference. Submissions must be in English, in Postscript or PDF
format, and provide sufficient information to judge their merits.
They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
They should not exceed 16 pages in Springer LNCS style (accepted
papers must be produced with LaTeX). Additional material may be
provided by a clearly marked appendix or a reference to a manuscript
on a website. This may be considered at the discretion of the PC.
Deviation from these requirements may cause immediate rejection.
One author of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper
at the conference.

Submission is via EasyChair at the following address:
Formatting instructions and the LNCS styled files can be obtained via:

As for the earlier conferences of this series, it is also intended to
publish a selection of the best papers in revised and extended form in
a special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (JLAP).

Important Dates

    Title and abstract submission:         October   25  2013
    Submission of full papers:             November   1  2013
    Notification:                          December  13  2014
    Final versions due (firm deadline):    January   17  2014
    Conference                          April 27 - May 1 2014

Programme Committee

    Rudolf Berghammer        (Kiel, Germany)
    Jules Desharnais         (Laval U., Canada)
    Harrie de Swart          (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
    Marc Frappier            (Sherbrooke, Canada)
    Hitoshi Furusawa         (Kagoshima, Japan)
    Timothy G. Griffin       (Cambridge, UK)
    Walter Guttmann          (Canterbury, New Zealand)
    Robin Hirsch             (London, UK)
    Peter Höfner             (NICTA, Australia; Publicity chair)
    Ali Jaoua                (Doha, Qatar)
    Peter Jipsen             (Chapman U., USA; PC co-chair)
    Wolfram Kahl             (McMaster U., Canada; PC co-chair)
    Tadeusz Litak            (Erlangen, Germany)
    Larissa Meinicke         (U. Queensland, Australia)
    Szabolcs Mikulas         (London, UK)
    Bernhard Möller          (Augsburg, Germany)
    Martin E. Müller         (St. Augustin, Germany; General chair)
    José Oliveira            (U. Minho, Portugal)
    Ewa Orłowska             (Warsaw, Poland)
    Matthew Parkinson        (Microsoft Research, UK)
    Damien Pous              (CNRS, France)
    Ingrid Rewitzky          (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
    Holger Schlingloff       (Berlin, Germany)
    Gunther Schmidt          (Munich, Germany)
    Renate Schmidt           (Manchester, UK)
    Georg Struth             (Sheffield, UK)
    George Theodorakopoulos  (Cardiff, UK)
    Michael Winter           (Brock U., Canada)

Steering Committee

    Rudolf Berghammer  (Kiel, Germany)
    Jules Desharnais   (Laval U., Canada)
    Harrie de Swart    (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
    Ali Jaoua          (Doha, Qatar)
    Bernhard Möller    (Augsburg, Germany)
    Ewa Orłowska       (Warsaw, Poland)
    Gunther Schmidt    (Munich, Germany)
    Renate Schmidt     (Manchester, UK)
    Michael Winter     (Brock U., Canada)

Organising Committee

    Martin E. Müller, Sankt Augustin, Germany: Conference Chair, Local Organiser
    Peter Höfner, NICTA, Australia: Publicity
    Peter Jipsen, Chapman U., USA: PC Co-Chair
    Wolfram Kahl, McMaster U., Canada: PC Co-Chair


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