[Om-announce] IEEE NCCA 2014 - Rome 5-7 February - First Call For Papers

IEEE NCCA 2014 Publicity Chair palmieri at dis.uniroma1.it
Tue Oct 8 16:21:09 CEST 2013

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email.]


The Third IEEE Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications 

February 5th-7th, 2014, Rome, Italy

Web Site: https://sites.google.com/a/dis.uniroma1.it/ncca-2014/

Sponsored by: The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Distributed Processing

Sponsored by: International Research Institute Autonomic Network

Cloud Computing is defined as a pool of virtualized computer
resources. Based on this virtualization the Cloud Computing
paradigm allows workloads to be deployed and scaled-out quickly
through the rapid provisioning of virtual machines. A Cloud
Computing platform is expected to support redundant,
self-recovering, highly scalable programming models that allow
workloads to recover from many inevitable hardware/software
failures and monitoring resource usage in real-time for
provisioning purposes and run time optimization of the hosted
applications. A Cloud Computing platform is more than a collection
of computer resources because it provides a mechanism to manage
those resources. In a Cloud Computing platform software is
migrating from the desktop into the "clouds" of the Internet,
promising users anytime, anywhere access to their programs and
data. What challenges does it presents to users, programmers, and
telecommunications providers? The goal of this Cloud Computing
Symposium series is to provide a forum for researchers and
practitioners to discuss all aspects of Cloud Computing. All topics
of design, theory and realization are of interest.


Cloud Computing Infrastructure: - Operating systems; - Control
services; - Distributed infrastructures; - Distributed composite
services; - Kernel-exchange modules; - Application exchange
modules; - Basic services.

Scalable, Self-managing and Autonomic Cloud Computing platforms: -
Dynamic instantiation; - Vertically scaling platforms; - Dynamic
composition; - Self-managing platforms; - Dynamic configuration; -
Dynamic reconfiguration of services; - Horizontally scaling
platforms; - Self-Healing Cloud computing platforms.

Security of Cloud Computing Platforms: - Authentication; -
Self-protecting platforms; - Increasing resilience against Cyber
attacks of Software as a Service (SaaS); - Increasing resilience
against Cyber attacks of Platforms as a Service (PaaS); -
Increasing resilience against Cyber attacks of Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS).

Cloud Computing Applications: - E-Commerce, Media processing and
Streaming search engines, Development and testing, Web hosting,
Application hosting, Collaboration tools, Store and share, Social
networking for businesses and web applications, Bio-informatics,
Biomedical applications, Scientific computing.

All manuscripts must be written in English. Two categories of
papers are considered:

- full papers, which must not exceed 8 double-column single-spaced
pages IEEE conference style (inclusive of figures, tables and
- short papers, which must not exceed 4 double-column
single-spaced pages IEEE conference style (inclusive of figures,
tables and references).

Full papers are expected to present research results which are
demonstrated to be robust in terms of their theoretical foundation
and/or via experimental analysis. Short papers are expected to
provide research results at their early stage, which have however
already reached a level of maturity leading them to be of interest
for the community. All the submissions must describe original
unpublished research. All accepted papers (either full or short)
will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. The papers
must be submitted in PDF format electronically via the EasyChair

******* IMPORTANT DATES *******

paper submission deadline: November 25, 2013

acceptance notification: December 20, 2013

camera ready and author registration: December 30, 2013

Program Chair:

F. Quaglia, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

General Chair:

B. Ciciani, Sapienza University of Roma, Italy

General Co-Chair:

D. R. Avresky (Chair), IRIANC, Munich, Germany

Steering Committee:

D. R. Avresky (Chair), IRIANC, Munich, Germany

M. Diaz, CNRS (Chair), LAAS, Toulouse, France

E. Gelenbe, Imperial College, London, UK

Publication Chair:

S. Distefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Publicity Chairs:

M. Couceiro, INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal

R. Palmieri, Virginia Tech, USA

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