[Om-announce] ITRS 2014 - DEADLINE EXTENSION

Luca paolini at di.unito.it
Sat Mar 29 15:02:18 CET 2014


at the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 http://vsl2014.at/itrs/

New deadline: April 14, 2014
Due to multiple requests, we have decided to extend the submission 
deadline for ITRS 2014. Details of the new submission deadline are given 

ITRS 2014 (the Seventh Workshop on Intersection Types and Related 
Systems) will be affiliated with TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and 
Applications, to be held jointly with RTA) as part of FLoC 2014 (the 
Sixth Federated Logic Conference) and will take place in Vienna on July 
18th 2014.

FLoC 2014 will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL), the largest 
logic event in history, with over 2000 expected participants. FLoC 2014 
will host eight conferences and many workshops.

ITRS 2014 workshop aims to bring together researchers working on both 
the theory and practical applications of systems based on intersection 
types and related approaches.
(More details at the workshop website http://vsl2014.at/itrs/).


(1) Before the workshop, authors are invited to submit an extended 
abstract (max. 10 pages) in PDF format.
(2) Accepted papers will be included on the general VSL'14 Proceedings 
(3) After the workshop, authors of accepted papers will be invited to 
submit full versions (we foresee inclusion in EPTCS).


Possible topics for submitted papers include, but are not limited to:
- Formal properties of systems with intersection types.
- Results for related systems, such as union types, refinement types, or 
singleton types.
- Applications to lambda calculus and similar systems.
- Applications to pi-calculus and similar systems.
- Applications for programming languages.
- Applications for other areas, such as database query languages and 
program extraction from proofs.
- Related approaches using behavioural/intensional types to characterize 
computational properties.

Abstract submission: 11.04.2014
Paper submission: 14.04.2014
Author notification: 28.04.2014
Final version: 29.05.2014

     Moritz Martens (Technical University of Dortmund)
     Luca Paolini (University of Torino)
     Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University)
     Jakob Rehof (Technical University of Dortmund) - chair
     Takeshi Tsukada (Tohoku University and Oxford University)
     Pawel Urzyczyn (University of Warsaw, Institute of Informatics)
     Joe Wells (Heriot-Watt University)
     Zhiwu Xu (PPS, Paris 7 and SKLCS, ISCAS)

For further information, please contact Jakob Rehof
Email: jakob.rehof AT cs DOT tu-dortmund DOT de

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