[Om-announce] RAMiCS 2014 Marienstatt Westerwald 28 April - Mai 1: 2nd CfPart

Peter Höfner Peter.Hoefner at nicta.com.au
Sat Mar 29 16:27:04 CET 2014

                      2nd CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                   14th International Conference on
          Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science

                             RAMiCS 2014

                  Marienstatt im Westerwald, Germany
                           April 28 - Mai 1


The RAMiCS Conference is the main forum for Relational and Algebraic Methods
in Computer Science. Special focus lies on formal methods for software
engineering, logics of programs and links with neighbouring disciplines.

Invited Speakers:   Tony HOARE, Jose OLIVEIRA, Alexander KURZ

Registration deadline: 31 March 2014.



  9:15-10:30    Algebras for Program Correctness in Isabelle/HOL
                  (Armstrong, Gomes, Struth)
                Abstract Dynamic Frames

  11:00-12:00   INVITED TALK:
                  TONY HOARE

  14:00-15:00   Endowing Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Communication
                  (Jaskolka, Khedri, Zhang)
                Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Tests
  15:30-17:00   Kleene Algebra with Converse
                  (Brunet, Pous)
                Extended Conscriptions Algebraically
                Completeness Theorems for Bi-Kleene Algebras and
                Series-Parallel Rational Pomset Languages
                  (Struth, Laurence)


  9:00-10:30    Higher-Order Arrow Categories
                Nominal Sets over Algebraic Atoms
                A Mechanised Abstract Formalisation of Concept Lattices

  11:00-12:00   INVITED TALK
                  JOSÉ NUNO OLIVEIRA

  14:00-        Excursion and Conference Dinner


   9:00-10:30   Tableau Development for a Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logic
                  (Stell, Schmidt, Rydeheard)
                Complete Solution of a Constrained Tropical
                Optimization Problem with Application to Location Analysis
                On Faults and Faulty Programs
                  (Mili, Frias, Jaoua)

  11:00-12:00   INVITED TALK:
                RELATION LIFTING
                  ALEXANDER KURZ

  14:00-15:00   A Sufficient Condition for Liftable Adjunctions
                between Eilenberg-Moore Categories
                  (Nishizawa, Furusawa)
                Finding Subrelations with Desired Properties
  15:30-17:00   Relation Algebra and RelView Applied to Approval Voting
                  (Berghammer, Danilenko, Schnoor)
                RAMiCS Open Discussion


  9:00-10:30    Linking Functional Programming with Topology Concepts
                Automated Verification of Relational While-Programs
                  (Berghammer, Höfner, Stucke)
                Parameterised Bisimulations: Some Applications
                  (Arun-Kumar, Bagga)
  11:00-12:00   Fuzzifying Modal Algebra
                  (Desharnais, Möller)
                Relational Lattices
                  (Litak, Mikulas, Hidders)
  14:00-15:00   Refinements of the RCC25 Composition Table
                  (Ghosh, Winter)
                Fixed-point Theory in the Varieties D_n
                  (Frittella, Santocanale)
  15:30-16:45   A Modified Completeness Theorem of KAT and the
                Decidability of Term Reducibility
                Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers in Arrow Categories
                  (Winter, Jackson, Fujiwara)

Programme Committee
   Rudolf Berghammer        (Kiel, Germany)
   Jules Desharnais         (Laval U., Canada)
   Harrie de Swart          (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
   Marc Frappier            (Sherbrooke, Canada)
   Hitoshi Furusawa         (Kagoshima, Japan)
   Timothy G. Griffin       (Cambridge, UK)
   Walter Guttmann          (Canterbury, New Zealand)
   Robin Hirsch             (London, UK)
   Peter Höfner             (NICTA, Australia; Publicity chair)
   Ali Jaoua                (Doha, Qatar)
   Peter Jipsen             (Chapman U., USA; PC co-chair)
   Wolfram Kahl             (McMaster U., Canada; PC co-chair)
   Tadeusz Litak            (Erlangen, Germany)
   Larissa Meinicke         (U. Queensland, Australia)
   Szabolcs Mikulas         (London, UK)
   Bernhard Möller          (Augsburg, Germany)
   Martin E. Müller         (St. Augustin, Germany; General chair)
   José Oliveira            (U. Minho, Portugal)
   Ewa Orłowska             (Warsaw, Poland)
   Matthew Parkinson        (Microsoft Research, UK)
   Damien Pous              (CNRS, France)
   Ingrid Rewitzky          (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
   Holger Schlingloff       (Berlin, Germany)
   Gunther Schmidt          (Munich, Germany)
   Renate Schmidt           (Manchester, UK)
   Georg Struth             (Sheffield, UK)
   George Theodorakopoulos  (Cardiff, UK)
   Michael Winter           (Brock U., Canada)

Steering Committee:
   Rudolf Berghammer  (Kiel, Germany)
   Jules Desharnais   (Laval U., Canada)
   Harrie de Swart    (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
   Ali Jaoua          (Doha, Qatar)
   Bernhard Möller    (Augsburg, Germany)
   Ewa Orłowska       (Warsaw, Poland)
   Gunther Schmidt    (Munich, Germany)
   Renate Schmidt     (Manchester, UK)
   Michael Winter     (Brock U., Canada)

Organising Committee:
   Martin E. Müller, Sankt Augustin, Germany: Conference Chair, Local Organiser
   Peter Höfner, NICTA, Australia: Publicity
   Peter Jipsen, Chapman U., USA: PC Co-Chair
   Wolfram Kahl, McMaster U., Canada: PC Co-Chair


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