[Om-announce] [CfP] EICC 2023|14-15 June 2023|Stavanger, Norway (in-person only)

S Vrhovec simon.vrhovec at um.si
Thu Dec 1 04:46:13 CET 2022

EICC 2023: European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference
14-15 June 2023 | Clarion Hotel Energy, Stavanger, Norway
W: https://www.fvv.um.si/eicc2023/ | E: eicc at um.si

== Call for papers/posters ==

Paper submission:    15 Jan 2023
Author notification: 12 Feb 2023
Poster submission:    5 Mar 2023
Camera-ready:         9 Apr 2023

Submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eicc2023

EICC 2023 proceedings will be published by ACM in ICPS (indexed by dblp, 
Scopus, Web of Science, ACM DL).

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions 
to the Journal of Universal Computer Science (0948-695X / 0948-6968) 
Special Issue on Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary 
Perspective (indexed by dblp, Scopus, Web of Science).

== About EICC 2023 ==

The European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference - EICC 2023 aims 
at establishing a venue for the exchange of information on cybersecurity 
and its many aspects between academics and practitioners in Europe. EICC 
was until 2019 known as the Central European Cybersecurity Conference - 
CECC and has been rebranded to underscore the interdisciplinarity of the 
conference and broaden its reach. EICC 2023 encourages the dialogue 
between computer scientists and researchers in all other fields related 
to cybersecurity, such as behavioral sciences, sociology, criminology, 
investigations and law. Interdisciplinary contributions are especially 

EICC 2023 is planned as an in-person conference.

== Scope ==

The conference is devoted to exploring and presenting original 
innovative applications, scientific and technological advancements in 
the field of cybersecurity. Topics for this conference include, but are 
not limited to:

- Adversarial machine learning
- Big data and cybersecurity
- Business continuity and disaster recovery
- Child safety in the cyberspace
- Cloud security
- Critical infrastructure security
- Cyber forensics
- Cyber insurance
- Cyber warfare
- Cyber-physical systems security
- Cybersecurity and cyber resilience
- Digital currency, blockchains and cybercrime
- Digital privacy
- Embedded systems security
- Healthcare information security
- Information security governance
- Internet of things security
- Law, investigation, internet jurisdiction and ethics
- Network security
- Security management
- Software development security
- Surveillance, interception, blocking and sovereignty
- Trust management

Special session:

- Complex network analysis for cybersecurity - CNACYS 2023: 

== Publication ==

EICC 2023 proceedings will be published by Association for Computer 
Machinery (ACM) in the ACM Digital Library within its International 
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Proceedings from the last three conference editions are available here:

- EICC 2022: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3528580
- EICC 2021: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3487405
- EICC 2020: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3424954

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions 
to the Journal of Universal Computer Science (0948-695X / 0948-6968) 
Special Issue on Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary 
Perspective (Scimago Q2, JCR Q3).

== Submission guidelines ==

The official language of the conference is English. Papers are limited 
to 6 pages.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another 
journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

- *Full papers* reporting on original research findings (5-6 pages)
- *Short papers* reporting on original research findings (2-4 pages)
- *Posters* (extended abstracts) reporting on original research findings 
(1-2 pages, including references)

The conference will offer a *Best paper award* and *Best poster award*. 
The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing 
session. The awards will be conferred to the author(s) of awarded papers 
who will be present at the conference. The decision criterion will 
consider both the paper/poster quality and the oral presentation/printed 
poster quality.

Please see the conference website for further details.
Simon Vrhovec

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