[Om-announce] A Probabilistic Logic Between LPP1 and LPP2 by Šejla Dautović / LUW December 14, 2022

jean-yves beziau beziau100 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 13:10:55 CET 2022

The next session of the Logica Universalis Webinar will be Wednesday
December 14 at 4pm CET.

Speaker:Šejla Dautović
Title: A Probabilistic Logic Between LPP1 and LPP2
Abstract: An extension of the propositional probability logic LPP2 given in
Ognjanović et al. (Probability Logics. Probability-Based Formalization of
Uncertain Reasoning, Theoretical Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2016) that
allows mixing of propositional formulas and probabilistic formulas is
introduced. We describe the corresponding class of models, and we show that
the problem of deciding satisfiability is in NP. We provide infinitary
axiomatization for the logic and we prove that the axiomatization is sound
and strongly complete.

Associate Organization: Seminar for Mathematical Logic, Belgrade, Serbia
Presented by its chairman: Predrag Tanović

Chair: Raja Natarajan
Editorial Board Logica Universalis

Everybody is welcome to attend

Jean-Yves Beziau
Organizer of LUW and Editor-in-Chief LU
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