[om] SIGSAM Bulletin: OpenMath Special Issue

Mike Dewar miked at nag.co.uk
Thu Apr 13 16:03:35 CEST 2000

I have been invited to put together a special edition of the SIGSAM Bulletin
on the general subject of OpenMath.  Currently we have a number of proposed
papers based mainly on documents produced by the ESPRIT project, and I would
like to solicit offers of contributions from the wider community.  Subjects
which are already covered are:
	General Overview
	Simple Type System
	Branch cuts for special functions
	XSL, MathML and OpenMath
	OpenMath in Theorem Proving
	OpenMath and Mathematica

If you would like to contribute something, please contact me before April 28th
with a rough outline of your submission.  The deadline for final versions of 
papers will be June.

Kind Regards,

    Mike Dewar                             email: miked at nag.co.uk
    Group Leader                           phone: (+44) 1865 511245
    Computational Mathematics Group        fax:   (+44) 1865 311205
    NAG Ltd, Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Rd, Oxford, OX2 8DR

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