[om] Reviews

Andreas Strotmann strotman at cs.fsu.edu
Wed Jan 3 20:11:32 CET 2001


I'm working on the review of the OpenMath Core Content Dictionaries (which
are available at www.openmath.org/cd -- someone PLEASE fix the links to
the CDs from within the openmath.org site!!!).  My apologies for not being
able to work on them during the fall.

I'm putting them up on my home page here at Florida State University:


or start at www.cs.fsu.edu/~strotman and click "... Current Projects" and
go to the CD reviews from there.

I'm putting them up here for two reasons.  The most important one is that
the review process should be open, and I invite comments from everybody.
The second reason is that I fear that I may need to postpone finishing
this review again, and if so at least the comments I have made so far will
be available to everyone, and someone may volunteer to pick up the slack.

My impression at this point is that the MathML CD group is fairly stable,
requiring only a round of flushing out minor bugs and a round of adding
more helpful examples for implementors reading the CDs.  I'm not sure if
recent MathML changes will change this preliminary assessment, though.

A major problem, however, is still the Meta CD, which needs to be redone
completely wrt. the definitions in that CD.  

Best regards from the recent center of world attention (Tallahassee, FL),

  Andreas Strotmann

"The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today 
all the exhilaration of a vice." -
G.K.Chesterton: A Defense of Humilities, The Defendant, 1901 

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